Being Tiggerish!!!
Little Tigger just turned two a month ago – and we did a special treat for the bacchas with tuna… only they weren’t very appreciative since Dinu has been stuffing them with fresh fish while we were away looking at fresh fish in the sea.It’s amazing how I’ve got suckered into mommying three temperamental, spoilt to the core cats…I think its because they all started out as kittens and who doesn’t love kittens!!
It’s still hard for me to think of them as all growed up and this is especially true about tigger. She’s quite the mini-terror and we have coined a whole new adverb to describe her.
What does being Tiggerish involve?
- Marching up to her daddy on sofa and sprawling herself on his lap and pushing head against arm for head-rubs and then disapproving of the head-rub and taking off a bit of daddy’s finger or closest available body part. (I think this is the regressive Bengali gene at work)
- Planning an attack on unsuspecting, napping Lola for ten minutes from a distance of 10meters, charging upto the napping Lola and changing mind at last minute due to sudden flash memory of Lola’s fierce retribution at last attempt at attack of the napping Lola. Lola also makes it her personal mission to seek retribution on behalf of Pepe, if Tigger decides to whack him. (Poor Tigger, they gang up on her all the time)
- Following mommy into the kitchen and getting underfoot and making plaintive miaows till mommy succumbs to the biiig eyed, starving orphan annie look and gives her a little bit of milk.
- Making big tamasha outside bedroom door if on the other side at night, then doing an about-turn and zooming out when mommy finally opens the bedroom door, after many unsuccessful attempts at getting the daddy to open the bedroom door.
- Attacking all unsuspecting and innocent string and rope lying around in the house and then getting her own claw stuck and not realizing cats have retractable claws and staying there with poor little me look for a long time.
- Occupying 50%of the king-size bed and graciously allowing us to occupy the other half. Curling up against her mommy’s warm and big belly and nipping mommy hard if mommy moves in her sleep and disturb Tigger’s eighteen hours of beauty sleep.
There’s lots more involved in being a Tigger but we are just figuring it out, a day at a time – our little wonder has had a big photo-session with the other two babies that she shares us with and I promise to put them up soon.
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