Thursday, May 05, 2005


I just have to have to write this down before i forget - this conversation took place about two weeks ago at a longe bar

Me: Oh, I think I will have a beer (trying to save da money)
Girl who never eats: Oh, you know i read somewhere that alcohol does not have any calories, its all in the mixers
Me: (stunned that someone has validated my biggest dreams) What about beer
Girl who never eats: Oh, beer has calories
Me: Yes, thats right - beer is not really really alcohol is it - i mean there are no mixers in beer (thats quick thinking, nish)
Girl who never eats: Yes, we are just talking about alcohol that could have mixers or you know ice or water though water has no calories also
Me: Yea, I can start drinking neat - works out cheaper also, since you know they make their money on the mixers (they being evil restaurants that want to gyp me of my husband's hard-earned money)

two days later
Me: Oh, you know the girl who never eats read somewhere that alcohol does not have any calories, its all in the mixers
Girl who eats and drinks: oh, dahling - then i'm going to lose ooodles of weight - on my new alcohol only diet

one week later at sangeet
Me: tra la la la la
one week and one day later at cocktail party
Me: tra la la la la
one week and two days later at shaadi
Me: tra la lala alala
one week and three days later on scales
Me: Holy cow - alcohol does have calories!!! damn girl who does not eat!!!

0 He said She said:

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