Wednesday, December 21, 2005

it could happen to you

oy, my recurring dreams about me being girl-about-town in Nooyawk against cursing-sweater-girl in bomaby did not involve imagining that nooyawk could also ever wind down to a halt becos of the transit workers strike - which is really a fancy word for conductors and ticket sellers.
I mean this happens to us all the time - and then our congress governement with vilasrao uncle gives more money to the conductors & bus-drivers & ticket-checkers and then the strike is called off. There is a law against them striking or calling for bandhs even here but i dont think anyone has ever paid up - and nobody has bothered. It's really hard to be an active civilian when all you want to do is send husband off to work, get to work yourself, send off bloddy sweaters to bloody giant germans and drag ass to gym to shrink tummy.
But to read all of this is happeneing in nooyawk - the city of my dreams!?!?!?! well, that just breaks my little heart. And the transit workers actually make statements like we are not garbage and should be treated with more respect - duh!!! Sons of the soil there too?!?!?!?!?! I think there is being great scope for Raj Thakarey - ex-Shiv Sainik and star son of soil to go and start his own little party there.

0 He said She said:

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