Friday, October 28, 2005


I felleded down last saturday night while walking tomy car in a perfectly good part of town - actually the exalted glorious foot-path outside of bombay gym - which goes to prove that not even exalted, glorious (and have i mentioned how the air at bombay gym is probably the best air in the world)probably gold-covered if you go by the HUsband's pronoucements footpaths in the world are perfect.

So i have a very briused knee - and its becoming all sorts of intersting colours everyday -
monday it was blueish black -
tuesday lighter bluish-black
wednesday it was purplish
thursday it was purple/ yellowing
and also i have a glorious scab that i am just waiting for to totatly scab over so i can start picking at it - distracts me from the fact that i am now growing my nails out for attaining the BBC look and must not chew them - even in times of tenshun.

am i aiming for a deeper philosphy here? about healing wounds??? No, it just proved husband'd point that I should wear sensible shoes at all times while walking around in our fair dug-up city where VilasRao uncle is doing his bestestest to improve into a shanghai and which leads to two things:
a. SLight embargo on 4inch heels for a bit (oh, but the shoes at catwalk are sooo bootylicious - hehehe i punneded)
b. Craving for chinese food (Shanghai was mentioned)

Am off to del-del in less than 24hours so also saving up the shoes money for some rocking card sessions - wonder if my beigneer's luck will still hold out - made 3.5k last year.

0 He said She said:

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