Friday, April 28, 2006

5 Places I want to see

1. Japan - ever since 'Lost in Translation' and 'The wind-up bird chronicles' by Murakami. Not not 'memoirs of a geisha'... not.

2. Argentina/ Chile - for steaks (forgive me oh cow-god, because I will sin) and Patagonia and Ushuiaua. Such romantic huge vasts of empty land sounding names - ooooh i get goosybumps just saying it.

3. Prague and Chekoslovakia - well, everybody says it's cheeeep

4. Africa - All of it - ethopia, botswana,, egypt, morocco - it's a gorgeous continent and my ex-boss triggered a great obsession with the safaris there.

5. Israel - for the diving and the non-side-burn-sporting hot jewish men... V and I have had brekkers with some v. hot boys from the consulate at FRangipani once, and oooooh!! (ok they were on the next table and we couldnt really understand what they were saying, but i liked!!)

But instead i'm off to Malaysia - to ooooh at SRK and Priyanka and say w/ v. sincere smile "but really, you are sooo much a finer actor than all the other khans, soap commercials included". The exotiscm of Vincci calls me.

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