Bye Curls!!!!!
You know that rhyme – there was a girl with a curl in her head, when she was good she was very very good, when she was bad, she ROCKED!!!!!?? Yea, well that was me in a former life.I finally got rid of the frizz in my life – and had my hair rebonded. It’s a Japanese treatment and yes they are acruel race but no, this did not hurt one bit… except for when hair-straightening ladies assitant in overzealousness to rid me of curls burnted my hair little bit. Oh and the 200thousand phone calls from husband for abandoning him on a Sunday morning to get mature and sophisticated… heheheheh!!!
The process of dumbing me down was two-parts…first I wented on 11th august and got my hair coloured. Dark roots banished!!! I was aiming for gorgeous amber chunky highlights… they turned out orange!!! Like Lulu’s favourite colour orange and not a chunky marmalade orange…. Which would still be nice and help me blend in with the furniture at the marriot if I ever collapsed on it totally drunk someday. And provided I was wearing my orange-peachy outfit and had got a lot of sun. So, I was alarmed and ranned to hairdresser woman – after all I had just spent a whole months supply of bubbly money on hair the colour of Tigger!!!
But but it being two-part process I had to go in again last Sunday and finish and get it all swishy and glamorous… it rocks!!! I feel so so grown up and sophisticated and all the hair has these fancy snipped layers that cover my cheeks and altogether make me look thinner (as long as I keep sitting it should work the whole looking thin bit) and also also make me look sophisticated (v.important look for the OJ wedding, to be noting public).
Its weird – I mean I get up in the morning and I know its me, but its still surprising and I do the whole swish swish shampoo ad thingummy every every single day since Sunday. Husband and mother are getting a bit tired of it now.
Of course, husband has warned that this image will only work as long as I keep mouth shut and at all time stay on right side of beautiful peachy-gold (matching my hair) banquet hall and not stroll over to friendly bartender. Actually, just keeping mouth shut is good.
So, I don’t know – I am now one of those women who have glam hair and think the BBC is a place to eat and goss, not like get the news and stuff!!! Have to now get status bag and status shoes and status sunglasses and status dahling accent I think….
Atleast I still have my dimples!!! Heahehahhehaha (evil laugh)
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