breaking news
So, six guys took some guns and greandes and maybe some RDX and stormed into the disputed Ayodhya site and before they could do any damage, they were killed by i am not sure whether it was the police/ state special commandos/ military/ border reserve group because by then i had already lost interest and gone to my latest favourite channel Discovery TRavel & Living because they had a show on where people do celebrity diets and workouts and lose weight.... and who doesnt want to lose weight the celebrity, anyway husband came home later and i told him about the storming of the disputed ayodhya site and his witty repartee was on the tunes of oh, what u mean new terrorists other than the militant hindu terrorists who stormed it 10years ago... ummm, yes becos i dont think it was disputed 10 years ago.
So, that was that - there are whispers of a bandh tomorrow but i dont think so because the BJP is not in power in maharashtra -
and last night i had a wonderful dream where my trainer called and said oh, dont come in for the workout because it is raining too hard and i was like ooooooh, one more hour of sleep and was so excited about getting to dream some more - but then the alarm rang!!! and i had to go - but I think I am getting stronger - I have sort of given up on getting thinner because I lose like 300grams and bloody have to drink because of you know all the beer pressure to drink!!!
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