hard rain
So it was pouring last tuesday and i was all breezy it'll blow over and well, as we all know now with hindsight that it didnt.... so i got into naughty boy and made him to do a dhanno and bachao not my laaj, but my aldos atleast. and made it to prashanti in 15mins with only two stallings... but husband was in vashi and made slow torturous way into chembur where he was stuck for 4 hours...and then he walkeded back next morning to bandra... so, all i did was have lots of hot tea and tost biscuits...the next day when the cable came back on, the firt ad was the hutch one which has adorable pug saying he will follow me everywhere just like my orange network. Which got me mad, becos it didnt you know - bad pug dog, now tryingto make good by giving weather reports on sms at discounted rate of rs2. when it should be free cos we all know bloody meteorologist is just checking out meteors and not the weather(when i say bad pugdog i really mean bad network, its called metaphor or similie or some such 5th standard grammar rule).
Finally got back to husband and miaows on thursday morning... had totally relaxo day and gossed with neighbours on which chacha, bhateeji and third cousin twice removed was stuck where and who did what...
so, i didnt get caught in the muchos major rain that hit bombay - but yes, this will sustain me when i have to come with things to say to the O gang's associate LVtoting public when i of course cannot talk about anything to do with
a) alcohol
b) younger men (though this rule does not apply to botox mummies)
c) lack of money for hair straightening and fancy shoes.
Then on friday, finally wented to check out obscenely-priced trouseau collection at abu-sandeep residence with the baast frend and sisterO and had major private laugh at the great levelling this rain has been - cos the biggest deesigners in the country had to wade througfh same letosirosis-infested water as the chaiwallas at ground floor level of industrial estate - all the fur trimmed silk cushion covers in the world didnt help them then, did it???
then also came to work and found out muddy blech water had gotted into office, turned staright around and went for lunch to the BBC at the Marriot with Ms.O and to be MrsO. Where it wasnt flooded but the spa had to be closed because there not being enogh water for people to bathe with or something totally poor-people like that... oh dahling the trauma, hold me till this feeling of desolation passes....
and, its thursday again - a week has gone by - there is a major fear pychosis in the bombay brains now with a little bit of hard rain after what happened...so wierd, cos earlier we all used to be like its raining, so what work comes first and all that.
and poor naughty boy got scratcheded when rickshaw in opposite direction hit a sharp stone that ricochetted off my car - poor baby. he needs lots of work but apparently the hyundai service center is totally backlogged with getting cars started, so i should be happy with my small car, cos u know, the rich people - they have no car.
come rain, come more rain, top goss detective stupendous nish however, heard another juicy titbiit from mouth of botox-mummies:
Botox-Mummy1: You know, dahling Louis Vuitton bags are just tooo yesterday now
Botox-Mummy2: Really, dahling, how do you know
Botox-Mummy2: No, you know, I went to fancy-hotel in london and the porter there just did not give me that much bhav because i had a LV.
Botox-Mummy2: gasp!!!!
Botox-Mummy1: Not to worry dahling, I dashed to my room and switched to a Bottega andwell, then he was all bha-giving again.... i showed him!!!
Botox-Mummy2: good for you!!!!
(names have been changed to protect identities)
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