Saturday, May 07, 2005

My hero

How may of us would really stop in our busy lives to see why the person next to us is unhappy or worried? I would not - I'm a very not my problem person - a injured dog or cat maybe, people no!!!

On Wednesday evening, husband dearestetsest (yes, reason for extra love following) caled to say could not join for run as he found two poor, but well scrubbed kids bawling on the station platform and was going to check on what the problem is - so while i left for my run (reveral of shaadi weekend effects) he checked with the two kids Karan(11) and Minu (6) and found out they had been seperated from their father while boarding the train from Andheri to Bhayander. He then took then to the Railway Police Station, since they were scared and not willing to give their address, got the Station Master after a lot of persuasion to PA page the missing father, called Indian Express for a Childline number and basically sat with the kids till their father finally showed up - three hours later. Apparenlty, if the children are not claimed then they are sent to a remand home, from where I am sure there is no escape. The father turned out to be a alcoholic unemployed widower who loved his two children but was not capable of providing a roof or footwear to his two children.

Then at 9.30 after the three hour drama, husband made sure father and children boarded a bus and reached home safe and sound. (since you really cannot trust the Mumbai POlice) The next day husband went back to the little slum where they live and got the children slippers and that is when the photo-op with Indian Express happened. We have been inudated with good work calls ever since.

I am going to scan the article and put it up since I cant find a link on their website.

In the meanwhile, if anyone can help us out interms of providing education or maybe employment to their father, please e-mail me at

0 He said She said:

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