memery lane
So, Monday evening saw us at Prithvi Theatre, jostling about in the khadi kurta crowd for prime position close to the entrance.hello, this is about my attempt at culture vultureing which i ish not so good at as i am at other vulturing - what to do i ish vulgar-vulture!!! prefer to gorge on dead & brewed tequila plants. To be strictly limiting culture-vulturing to yash raj movies - on which note I sawed Salaam Namaste and have to say ness wadia is a lucky lucky man, if perity zinta ever gets preggers we know what she will look like, quite slim and nice sexy looking overall other than platicy-looking pregnant bulge which is 5shades darker than rest of her - but its all becos one must not use fairness creams in pregnancy chemicals damaging to the unborn child!! And Saif in super-man boxers - super-cute!!
Other cute bits about the movie:
i. Kunal Vijaykar as the malyalee radio station honcho - so cute with the hambar - made me yearn for my egg rost & tapioca (yes, everything reminds me of food)
ii. The dialogs
iii. The hot kiss - finally a decent kiss in a hindi movie which does not look like they are aiming to chew the other person's lip off
iv. Hot fresh buttered corn - 3 cups heheheheheh
Not cute bits:
This remincese is brought to you courtesy a meme by lulu that i play along with - here is what i am supposed to do:
1. delve into your blog archive.
2. find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3. find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. tag five people to do the same.
But I only know Rash, so well, do it baby if u wanna in between card sessions and playing hofficehoffice!!!
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