Wednesday, September 28, 2005

And now flirting!!!

The thing with me - I need to follow... yup!! thats me, never the one making the plans, just following - which works with myself also - ergo, when I need to get something done all by my lonesome-ownsome like you know working or working out i need some serious pressure - like a threat of air-freight (which would cut into that part of the profits i ear-mark for dangly earrings - which always gets eaten into by overtime or some such excuse given by the other directors at work - my MOM!! and i never get my danglers, sniff) or you know, getting fat.

I was on a double date (two-two girls) last saturday nite and i thought i was being exceptionally good by sticking to margaritas, since i read that the tequila plant leaves help weight loss and well, then the juice can also not be bad. My dates claim they eat like pigs but bloody only have ceaser slaad like they are bunnies or something - I was craving my carby risotto but followed and also ordered ceaser salad... with extra parmesan. so there!!!

And date no 1 said you need to get on a diet!! And I have been super-lazy ever since the OJ wedding, and sleeping in - the thing is my flirtation with weight training seems to have faded - it really has beena case of out-of-sight-out of-mind - my poor personal trainer... he calls and calls, and I'm always like dahling, it's over!!! I cant do it anymore, my heart is not in it and he is like but we were sooo good together. poor thing.

So, now i am flirting with the idea of some new exercise to hold my attention span - like power yoga or salsa... going to check out both this week so can start on something by the 1st of october.

1 He said She said:

At 12:29 AM, Blogger lulu said...

dudette :)
i just tagged you on my blog!
1. delve into your blog archive.
2. find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3. find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. tag five people to do the same.
hope you will play along..


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