Friday, October 07, 2005

the wierd start to the weekend

it was - maybe becos almost weekend night (thursday for those of u who dont know their hours to the weekend yet) was a bit stressful with the people around me being completely demanding - and then i go to hoffice this morning!!

And then personnel no 1 said he is joining municipal job -aaaahole - hope he has to clean the sewers!!! And personnel no2 is unwell!!! And the stress of being director/ merchandiser/ make my own calls (sorry, i live in india and i pay people to make my calls for me, the beauty of cheap labour)

And then all of a sudden, inexplicable tears started welling up!!! And tears of not laughing at a dumb jim carrey movie or from doing a bottoms up on 170ml of beer but actual tears of frustration and overwhelmishness.

I dont know if my life would be different if i ever had a job and got yelled at for all my mistakes but at the end of the day just took my money home, said shallamm saab and you know, invested 13%, managed house-hold with 50%, conveyance was 25% (ok maybe 30% with the iraq war and all) and spent the rest of it on frivolities? And that was the end of my responsibility?? I am overwhelmed right now - the things I need are
Class A merchandiser
Class A yarn supplier
Class A production team
oh, and gold wrap-around shoes.

Hope the weekend improves - will meditate on being with the Rock-Star and The Don in 3 weeks, 3 weeks baby!!!!!!!!!! Already feeling better - which is not to totalt skip the fact that i now haveto go home and do the laundry, ick ick ick!! will maybe stop by at the store that says shoes sale - 399, 299, 199.

1 He said She said:

At 8:21 AM, Blogger rushes said...

my po' ittle wittle bayyyybeeee! No cwys be here soon and drowning sorrows in other liquid and solid vices!! Ish be ok i pwomise!


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