Friday, March 11, 2005

Nearly weekend rant

It's Friday and I've got this weekend longing disease that I picked up from husband (he's currently not dearest 'cos he's so pyshed about the work and I'm tired of looking really interested and involved...and he's being snipy which is mean and unfair becos I'm not a mean tammie making him miserable - i'm preeety and sweet and i fix him yum yum dinners and do his laundry and make sure he has matching socks in the morning)
I'm just sitting around the office waiting for the AGENT to call so i can meet the high priestess of irritation the BUYER so I can go there and whore my sweaters. I'm so tired of idiot buyers who think that they can just get me to make them stuff and then say oh, but this stuff is much cheaper in China - yes, so why dont you just go to China and also maybe they'll give you a free roasted rat with the sweater, dumbass.
There's a bus strike in Mumbai because the super-rude conductors and bus-drivers who swing their huge buses around the road like they own it (to compensate for very teeny you-know-whats, I'm sure) want more money so they can be fat and rude and stupid...I've stopped taking public transportation a long time ago becuase it sucks!!
But I cant escape it anywhere because the moronic ungifted bus-drivers keep ramming their buses in the exact same lane that I drive in - like all the time.
And I'm coughing and taking medication which is making my already not small tummy reach scary proportions. Need to shrink the tum, need to shrink the tum - I really cannot be on a low-carb diet becos everyone around me lurves the carbs - grrrrr...
I really want to get off my ass and do something meaningful and contributory to mankind or animalkind this weekend but I know that I'll veg out...again another eveil negative trait I've got from you-know-who.
Pleese, pleese let there be a party plan for tonite, so I do not have to watch another recycled episode of carloine in the city again.

2 He said She said:

At 12:34 AM, Blogger lulu said...

hi nish
i would have partyed with you last night had i been in bombay!
missing you loads...

At 5:12 AM, Blogger Nish said...

Yes Lulu, that would have been awesome if we could get over the almost insurmountable problem of town partying v/s suburban partying... anyway, saving mucho money by not getting wasted in a bar every weekend


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