Miny me please or miny V - whatever!!
Ack ack!!! My mother had been on my case to have a baby now for like the last four years ever since i got married and could do it legally and not bring shame to the great family name (great like in they sure can eat a great deal of food!).And now everyone is really popping babies - no its not as simple as all that as I was explained over a lovely cocktail conversation - its more like getting epidurals, having their stomachs cut open and slimy little objects that remotely resemble human life forms (once the icky green mucus is cleared i assume) Where’s the loud music when we really want it?
All i know about babies and pregnancy and birth i learnt from FRIENDS. So, while the making part is fun and the begetting not so much, I believe after the mucus is cleaned off and they become three months old they get cuter - waay cuter the little darlings and tear at the heartstrings with the sweet chuckles and adorable peeing on their fathers bit hehehe. (Baby Inaya looooves to do that one)
So, I spend my Monday mornings telling baby tales to my mother like she didn’t give birth to the most adorable baby on the planet 28years ago. We had this extremely interesting conversation on Monday - we pretend its an important business discussion
Me: Oh, Sarik's baby is sooo cute
Mum: Oh, why don’t you get one of those yourself
Me: I guess in some time
MUM: Is your husband getting around to the idea
Me: I guess in some time
Mum: So are you doing anything to make a baby currently???
Me: MUM!!!! THAT IS NONE OF YOUR BIZNEZ (she pretty much asked if I was getting some - now my marital bed being none of her business, I pretty much blushed and exited - that was the end of that business conversation)
But babies are really on the brain and really the bacchas are doing a great job of telling me whether I’m ready for it – NOT!!!
I accidentally locked Pepe into my cupboard where he sneaked into when not looking. And I step on Tigger all the time and Lola is constantly challenging the eagles swooping around on the 10th floor window ledge. Please don’t ask what kind of mother am I – they are CATS!!!!! Though I forget very often – Tigger I have a strong suspicion is actually a very very little and stupid person in a cat suit with an excellent invisble zipper from YKK.
I digress, so more than babies I’m thinking about parenting and being good parents and just what a subjective term that is – and this is already starting to sound heavy to me, so I’m just going to go into an unconscious stream of thought which works bestest when I’m with rash and vee – love those girls. You can be the most anal-retentive OCD schizoid on the planet and you could turn out a great couple of kids, (well just one really – the other one seriously needs therapy) or you could just give it your all – be there with the taking for swimming lessons, not insisit on the bed being made and the teeth being brushed till the enamel glows and patiently try and teach them indian languages and you could still land up with a very very weird baby. (Yes, I am that weird baby –I suck at written, spoken and reading Indian languages and also swimming, singing dancing and all the classes my mommy dragged me to)
But but to be philosophical damn thats a long word - It’s the circle of life (hark, I hear Elton) and I’m listening to it finally – need to convince the spouse to stop living in denial and think about this seriously – I think I’m finally all growed up and can have little cuddlybuddly babies of my own – my mommy still young enough to change the diapers and smelly poopoo and atleast it will get me off the D - hehahehahea evil laugh!!!
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