Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The extremely excellent online adventures of Rash & Nish

I've had film developed from my excellent delhi and lakshwadeep adventures and there is mild censorship due to matrimonial and familial repucursions possible if not censored!!!

Nish says: hi kitten - the pictures are fabulous and incriminatory
rushes says: niiiice
rushes says: scan scan
rushes says: quick
rushes says: dying to see
Nish says: yea, tomorrow
rushes says: babaaaaaaaaaa
rushes says: do no somethng
rushes says: i put on my site
Nish says: and vee and i and vee and u and u and me - tres *******CENSOR******* pictures last nite at her place - super cute
rushes says: and link up from your blog
rushes says: goood fun
Nish says: i will shona - holding for 24 hours
rushes says: sniffle
Nish says: whats the biig deal - its been three months - what is one more day??
Nish says: oh ***CENSOR*** looking totally ******CENSOR*****
rushes says: sniffle
Nish says: hows the abyss??
rushes says: the abyss...gets deeper and deeper
Nish says: profound
rushes says: yea
rushes says: duh!
Nish says: sooo - i ran like 3km yesterday - 1 round with cute 40year old who was totally checking me out and we sprinted or sprant (which is correct) and i beat him hehahehahea
rushes says: sprant
rushes says: hehehehehehheee
rushes says: like sprant better
Nish says: and i tried on the purple bizarre top to see the sub-cuteanous fat matter is showing or not and its improving
Nish says: tummy less bulgy
rushes says: niiiice
Nish says: oh i did total carb-free day yesterday yip yip
rushes says: so will be ready to wear in a month
rushes says: very nice
rushes says: me checked out tum tum in the morning
Nish says: yea, but u hoes are not coming na on wed nite
Nish says: and thursday onwards will be shaadi so no extra-curricular partying will happen
Nish says:
rushes says: brb

After 3 hours of useful work - RRRRGHT
Nish says: u back?
rushes says: yup
Nish says: hey, i got a message which says Unable to determine IP address from host name for www.google.com
Nish says: wtf does that mean?
rushes says: have no fucking idea
Nish says: and and This means that:
The cache was not able to resolve the hostname presented in the URL.
Check if the address is correct.
Your cache administrator is cachemgr@systeminfotech.com.

Nish says: whatcha doing? (Question which is completely irrelevant as it is not as important as this conversation)
rushes says: what address was this?
rushes says: work baba
Nish says: google !!!!
rushes says: boring crap
Nish says: grrrrr - how can it not find google man? ish too much
rushes says: wierd
Nish says: i know - just calling the system infotech to find out what cache is??
rushes says: heehee
Nish says: as usual the ****CENSOR***** say it will get respolved in half hour
rushes says: that line is patented
Nish says: ok give me a topic for the day and i will write profound and obscure shit on it
Nish says: who patented it?
rushes says: hmmmmm
rushes says: my cableguys
Nish says: hehe
rushes says: hehehehee
Nish says: going to start a game of hearts - the bastard computer always cheats and wins
Nish says: it always gives me queen of clubs becos thats the ******CENSOR****** card
rushes says: lolqueen of spades
Nish says: yea yea same thing - u know me - colour !!!
rushes says: teeheehee
Nish says: hey, lets play cards one nite when u guys come ok?

rushes is inviting you to start Bejeweled. Do you want to Accept (Alt+C) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation?

You have accepted the invitation to start Bejeweled.

rushes says: how do you play this thing?
Nish says: how should i kno? i just about figured out hearts after 2 years
rushes says: ok
rushes says: lets see
Nish says: is it a card game?
rushes says: is it loading?
rushes says: i dunno
nish says: ****CENSOR CENSOR CENSOR****
rushes says: still loading
Nish says: just had mental flashback to ****CENSOR****
Nish says: ****CENSOR CENSOR*******
Nish says: **********CENSOR CENSOR********
rushes says: siigh
Nish says: siiiiigh
rushes says: so how does it start?
Nish says: got some good ****CENSOR**** on sunday tho - almost makes up for **********CENSOR****** the rest of *****CENSOR*** is
Nish says: its unavailable - sounds like a ***CENSOR*** anyway
Nish says: bejeweled

rushes is inviting you to start Minesweeper Flags. Do you want to Accept (Alt+C) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation?

You have accepted the invitation to start Minesweeper Flags.

rushes says: yippeee
rushes says: loading
Nish says: ok now?
rushes says: now
rushes says: hehehehehee
Nish says: start??
rushes says: waiting for your response
Nish says: how i repond?
rushes says: ferpect
Nish says: i ish no understand how to get flags??
rushes says: just click on where you think mines are
Nish says: left click or right?
rushes says: only left works
Nish says: but you are wonning,
Nish says: i'm just picking them out for u
rushes says: yea....cos i just figured it out silly billy
rushes says: this one no count ok
Nish says: waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
rushes says: ???
Nish says:ok
Nish says:oy, how come u making multiple moves?
rushes says: when you mark a bomb you get another turn
rushes says: the one above the one i did
rushes says: get that
rushes says: these two
Nish says: no, actually i'm doing a spread sheet at same time - multitaksing
Nish says: and obviously also sucking at this
rushes says: oh ho
rushes says: good girl
rushes says: one more
rushes says: now we know
Nish says:
rushes says: heeheehee
rushes says: babush
Nish says: than than than than - this is eye of tiger music
Nish says: me doing push-ups
rushes says: lol
Nish says: with finger push push push
rushes says: rocky ish-tyle
Nish says: i saw million dollar baby on friday nite
rushes says: how it was being?
rushes says: worth watching?
Nish says: it was being the too good
rushes says: it the seems boring oscar type flick
Nish says: and hillary swank is being the extremely talented and multifacted actor with mucho muscles
rushes says: that i knewed only
Nish says: and clint and morgan also being the very very good performance
Nish says: does vee know how lukhi we are?
rushes says: she bes the macho element now that clint can't to be getting it up no more
rushes says: nope
Nish says: when my hubsand calls i tell him i ish very very busy and important
rushes says: thinks i'm working verrrrry hard
Nish says: oh - ho dolly, i think clint takes viagra
Nish says: heheh - does she kno i'm online?
rushes says: i dunno
Nish says: tell her she looks adorable – in pix
rushes says: lets play another game
rushes says: babaaaaaaaaaa
Nish says: there's one wr she picking me up, its the best
rushes says: scan naaaaaaaa
Nish says: ok ok
Nish says: tmro pwomise
rushes says: wok
rushes says: ehehehehehahahahahahaaa
rushes says: now ish stuck
Nish says: ack ack

rushes is inviting you to start Solitaire Showdown. Do you want to Accept (Alt+C) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation?

rushes says: new game

You have accepted the invitation to start Solitaire Showdown.

rushes says: solitaire showdown
Nish says: oh no, just when i figure one out
Nish says: i'm so untalnted at this
rushes says: why don't they have nice drinking games
rushes says: one tequila two tequila three tequila......dhoop
rushes says: how to play this?
Nish says: i know -
Nish says: dumbass game
rushes says: have no clue what to do
Nish says: lets end
rushes says: how the fuck is that possible?

rushes is inviting you to start Checkers. Do you want to Accept (Alt+C) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation?

You have accepted the invitation to start Checkers.

0 He said She said:

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