on writing but not really
Is my lack of work and super-zero interst in what I am doing trying to tell me something – besides the fact that I am lazy, a procrastinater par excellence (if they give awards for procrastination – I think husband and I would get the family one! We haven’t fixed our alarm clock whose battery died down two months ago, so I never know what time it is so it is lucky that I have a wonderful internal body clock which works fine as long as it is fuelled – and I digress again – maybe the runners up to the procrastination award could get the digression award, not digestion – a whole lot of koppikars waiting for that one!) procrastination procastrnation - where does the time go (sung to the tune of reproduction from grease2, one dumbass sequel if there was one)I’ve seriously been enjoying writing so much – yes, it’s a lovely bit of encouragement when I get calls and emails (only from family so far but it’s a biiiig family) telling me that they really enjoy (well, most said enjoy I added the really on my own) reading (that’s also because I’m dive-bombing them about till they give in) what I write. But really for me, its an internal self-satisfaction variety of thing to do, to be able to say to the lovely empty non-judgemental word doc the stuff I think about and really really want to bitch – sometimes articulately, sometimes not! seriously, who's going to interrupt? the stupid mr. clip on msword - got rid of him long ago heahehahahea (evil laugh!!) I really look forward to getting to work so I can hehe see what dooce did today or what happened with the foodwhore. and i love goofing off and this is like totally the funnest way to do it.
I was flattered by Lulu's little acknowledgement of my rants & maons but really, i think it comes out as honest becos honesttogod, i dont think about anyone besides stupendousrash reading it (and she hasta cos she being my love and all those obligations that go with it). Its really my own little egomassager about how funandlovely i am. If I did have more margi' stories and less moanieng ones, It would be more intersting I think. I did think I would have more adventures of my own becos seriously i just moved to this happeneing suburb and the cats hardly get out but it looks like they are getting more footage than the margaritas. However, turns out we are ageing and we don’t like to go out much since our voices go all hoarse and we dont really enjoy pointless drinking anymore (rashwould say buts that the best kind of drinking hehehehe) and by we i mean my firend who is too busy getting awards and attending premiers and everyone else is rotten and has moved away and the one crazy girl i did manage to form a functional girlfreind type relationship got banged up and had a littlewittle baby who is cute so she is forgiven but still - makes life hard with just the husband and cats on most weeknites. and the city is really very limited in its options of things to do beyond watch the most excellent recycled American sitcoms and dramas. My favourites are:
1. FRiends
2. Will and Grace
3. ER (george!!!!!!!)
4. Grounded for life
5. The 70s show
7. Six feet under
8. Alias
9. Kylie wong cooks (tho this one is ozzie)
10. Date patrol
11. Amazing vacation homes
12. Miss Match (cos alicia silverstone is such a cookie, otherwise its dorky)
13. Friends (on star world this time)
14. Amazing Race
i watch waay too much tv.
Writing for an audience was what I did, when i thought i was cool back in college – god, we thought we were like the coolest thing on B road, and btw there are some people who are still walking around in the daze of glory that I keep bumping into at all the drink-for-free-or-very-little-money events that I have to keep going to for social obligation’s sakes.
Howvere, however – so if I stop procrastinating, I’m flirting with the idea of doing like some studies in Fashion journalism in maybe2006 – and let the bloody sweaters just knit themselves, inocare!!!
Alternative careers I would like
Critic – oh, anything everything
Fashion journalist – which kind of covers in critic I think
Chef – but only a very very famous one, so I can charge $$$$ for sauted garlic.
Shoe designer
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