99 things about me
1. I am an underachiever - I know that I can do much more than I actually do.2. I want to be a writer - I used to write for my college magazine and I dont know how I landed up in a garment export company, other than it belongs to my parents and it was easier than struggling to do something I really wanted.
3. There are only about five people in the world that I am completely, totally comfortable with and can trust with my soul. The rest are great friends and amazing people to have fun with.
4. I love being married - though there is a lot of friction and irritants, I love doing stuff for someone else and running a home and having someone to come back to at the end of the day. Appeals to my inner Domestic Goddess!!
5. I struggle everyday with my weight - it is a battle, one which I often want to give up on, but do not because osteoporosis and arthritis are in my genes and I want to not have problems when I get older. And also to look hot in diesel bloody 1500rs 26" low waister jeans.
6. I think I am a very good listener - this surprises most people since I remember random stuff they tell me and I worry and get concerned that they think I am more interested or that they are more special to me than they are – because they are not, I am just a good listener.
7. My favorite ice-cream flavours are choc-chip, butterschotch and cookie-dough in that order. But I do not really like ice-cream.
8. I hate my personal space being invaded. I hate when husband puts his ties or nice shirts in my cupboard, I hate people I dont know touching me or standing too close to me.
9. I am very bad at keeping in touch - that is why most of my friends are the ones I have known since I was 10.
10. I cannot understand abstract concepts - that is why I suck at statistics and trignometry. Why should sin+ cos make any sense, except that some old guy in greece said it does, huh?
11. I understand and love high fashion - I really really do - I know my Pradas from my Marc Jacobs and Tom-Ford YSL from Tom-Ford Gucci. My dream job is fashion journalism/ fashion video. My favourite thing to do when alone is to curl up with hot mug of tea and VOGUE. I really really miss Tom Ford.
12. I love running - currently I run 4km in 20mins my goal is 6km in half hour - working on my stamina
13. I love weight training too - it makes me feel strong and puts me in touch with my masculine side, hehe.
14. I love all my male cousins and think I am so lucky I grew up a total tom-boy. I miss them and look forward to the crazy vacations when they visit.
15. I had the most wonderful childhood and really miss my grand-parents.
16. I am genuinely interested in meeting new people and it can take a lot to make me feel negative about someone.
17. I am very very adjusting and very happy to go along with most plans - I follow, other lead. This often make my life diffcult when there are two leaders with different agendas.
18. I think my parents are the most wonderful parents in the world but maybe they should have been stricter so I would have stuck to swimming and dancing lessons.
19. I flirt shamelessly and think it is ok since I am going home to my husband - however, it can often backfire when other men do not know that I am happily married.
20. I am an eternal optimist - it is very very difficult to bring me down and I hate whiny people. I am congenitally cheerful and very rarely have a bad morning.
21. I am very protective about my friends and will completely cut relations with people who hurt them.
22. I am obsessive about neatness but it is a losing battle in my house with the cats and messy husband and their toys and books.
23. I have a very short temper, sometimes irrationally but in hind-sight it always seems worth it. People I have been pissed off at now fear/ respect me.
24. I love my pets - I have a stray doggie Sox who lives with my parents and three cats - Pepe, Tigger and Lola who live with me.
25. I am good at multi-tasking, which means I finish my work much faster than other peopl and make me look like I am slacking, like right now for making lists.
26. I want to live in Manhattan at some point in my life for atleast a year.
27. Scuba diving was one of the best things I did ever - I am dying to repeat it as soon as possible.
28. I crave fancy stuff - I am a label whore but I do not have the money to buy it and it is ok - making do without stuff does not affect my happiness
29. I suspect I am quite shallow sometimes, since my most pressing problems tend to be getting new shoes in a new shade or a different heel.
30. I wish I was 5inches taller.
31. I love to dance - I am happiest dancing - preferable with Rash, to hip-hop with muchos margaritas in me.
32. I over analyse and obsess about imagined mean stuff I may have done or had done to.
33. I dont sweat as much as other people and this triggers some funny internal heat controlling thing in my body which gives me heat strokes.
34. I need 8hours of sleep or I am cranky. I am getting used to making do with 7 hours since the last two weeks.
35. I hate people who do khich-pich about money and stuff - especially if it is a friend or family member - stuff is to be shared and it should not matter who pays for what meal or who wore whose top more often in the long journey of freindship in the end.
36. At the same time, I hate free-loaders and do expect a return on my investment in the other person – I can give generously only upto a certain point and I do like it if people are there for me in return.
37. My mother rocks - she has been through many stressors in life and she has always handled them beautifully without ever letting it show.
38. My parents have the most wonderful marriage and are a constant source of inspiration to me.
39. I get frustrated by friends or family who do not make use of their gifts - natural or given and waste their time.
40. I want better hair - its too kinky and never looks nice and society-society.
41. I have foot in mouth disease and can embarrass my friends with my stark sorry, I do not remember you honesty.
42. I can be really funny, but not many people get my jokes - in fact only Rash gets them
43. My favourite food in the world is boiled mung-dal sprouts with chutney-peet and papad-wadi - very easy to please.
44. I cannot stand being alone - I am highly dependent on companionship - I hated my year in Calcutta where I did not have a soul to talk to during the day.
45. I am ready to have a child – I would be a great mother, and think husband would make a great father if he could get over his various socio-economic hang-ups.
46. Marriage more than anything teaches you patience and to swallow many many heated words that are on the tip of the tongue.
47. But some words escape, and are never forgotten. By either party and saved up for future use – this is something I have learnt in five years.
48. I love how I still pretty much can lead a single girl’s life as long as all the Domestic Goddessing is also thoroughly taken care of.
49. I am a reckless and impulsive shopper.
50. My favourite stuff to buy is shoes, clothes, books in that order.
51. I volunteer somewhat with Welfare of Stray Dogs and want to do more – I love dogs and almost all animals. I would like to also work for a street kid NGO but need to be less lazy for that to happen - atleast the spirit is willing.
52. I hate cockroaches and flies though and think they are Satan’s inventions.
53. I really, really want to be a vegetarian and have been this whole weekend.
54. I hate that the only option vegetarians have in most places is paneer. It makes me sick and I have ODed on it this weekend - potatoes are hi-carb - what is a vegeterian to do???
55. I love to cook – it appeals to the take care of the other people in my life angle of me.
56. I am 97% virgo – I took a quiz – I am anal about my stuff, very very picky about my clothes (though I dress bhangi loads of times, its always a clean bhangi) and very anal about time and punctuality and crossing my t and dotting my i.
57. I love being cuddled and given loads of attention – I took a personality disorder quiz and it said I have a histrionic narcissictic personality which means I think I am very needy and attention hungry, which is true.
58. I am a terrible patient – I make big scenes while taking medicines, blood tests, going to the doctor and my husband is the only one who can be around me when I am like that. Though I am an angel when he is not around which means I only do it around him (to understand that part of my psyche , see point #57)
59. I have 33pairs of shoes and need atleast 10more that are already in the store and want to buy.
60. I may look at other men, but have never really felt the slightest flutter for any man since I met my husband.
61. I wish I had bigger boobs and thinner thighs.
62. Surprisingly, for a woman I am very satisfied with my butt. Its cute but kind of gets overshadowed by my fat thighs.
63. I hate hate running on the treadmill but love running in the open on a running track. It’s the rat in a wheel aspect that really bugs me.
64. My favourite colours are black, pink, red in that order
65. I have intriguing and technicolour dreams. I almost always dream about my day and the sub-consious desire of how I wish it had gone.
66. I am very secure in the knowledge that I am loved by my parents, my husband and my friends – I take it as a given and know that I do not have to do anything to earn it – just be myself.
67. I am a little insecure about my looks – I wish I had a better jawline and a nose – its my profile that bothers me.
68. I do not like being considered a cuddly-buddly by people other than my parents, my husband, Rash and GJ.
69. I love the idea of adventure sports but hate actually having to climb rocks and boulders and get dusty. I love water sports for the same reason - no dust.
70. My idea of roughing it is to sleep without air-conditioning.
71. I am a bit spoilt – though not fussy.
72. I procrastinate a lot – especially in house-hold chores like laundry and refrigerator cleaning.
73. I think people at heart are not good – we all have the devil in us and its just circumstances that prevent us from commiting violence – we just have to look at the holocaust, the Gujrat riots or the civil strife in Africa and Yugoslavia to understand how we are just waiting for incitement and license for law & order to fall apart.
74. I hate our government, which only succeeds by keeping people poor and illiterate – it is a bigger scam that the WMD of Iraq.
75. I think Indians have no manners – which is one of the reasons I have a short fuse while driving. It has nothing to do with how many of us are there on the road, it is a question of self-discipline and not pushing your big-assed Lancer ahead of everyone else.
76. I love InaneChatter (TM, patent pending) and our alter egos Stuepdous Rash & Fabulous Nish
77. I want a second chance at my education choices – to do Communication studies over Economics & Accounting, to do Fashion Journalism at FIT over MBA at SPJAIN.
78. The only good thing about my MBA was it exposed me to many different kinds of people that I would otherwise not have met – otherwise it really is a bullshit degree.
79. I hate how men think it is ok to stare and very obviously undress women who have absolutely no interest in their horrible minds and bodies – this happens at the best of restaurants and often the men are married. I want to just give them a good kick in the balls and have to exercise good manners and pretend they don’t exist – hate it.
80. I do not understand how men can confuse friendliness, warmth and a non-duplicitious approach with a woman being cheap or loose.
81. I do not understand men period – I have had what I consider really good male friends who suddenly have stopped keeping in touch after they are married!!! The reason they were my good male friends is because I was not interested in them, duh!!!
82. I love my female friends – I can spend hours talking to each and every one of them and the few friends I have – have never had to play mind-games with.
83. I think I am sexy and interesting.
84. I love sushi – which is hard when you are trying to be a vegetarian.
85. I believe in love – I cannot understand marrying for anything less that head-over- heels-spin-me-around-crazy-doped-out-cant-get-your-hands-off-each-other-noone-else-in-the-room kind of love. That feeling may not last forever but the warm fuzzy memories of those crazy times can see you through a lot later when I am muttering under my breath.
86. I think the Chinese are an extremely cruel race and pretty much deserve the Japanese being mean to them – anyone who can condone and actively encourage the killing of tigers for personal consumption which is again based on false premises pretty much deserves a slow painful death. Plus they have rotten trade practices and have damaged many economies with their controlled wages.
87. I hate injustice of any kind but it is too overwhelming to fight – that’s why I love my little cats who were abandoned as much as I can – though it does not balance out the greater evil in the world.
88. I love to go out to bars and party places and be in a loud music (but not too loud), crowded (but not too crowded) atmosphere where margaritas are being served.
89. I can do the above with a crowd of 20, but my favourite would be to do it with Rash only. That way we don’t have to pretend to be interested in other people around us for politeness sake.
90. A party with free alcohol is like a bull in a china shop for me.
91. I love dressing up and being girly.
92. I love grocery shopping
93. I love having my pictures taken and know that I have a fabulous smile with dimples.
94. I can lie really well – white lies only though – I never lie by omission.
95. I love my routines – I am very disoriented when I sleep during the day and party all night which I do with Rash but actually love being disoriented when with her.
96. My favourite place in the whole world is Morjem beach, Goa with a pulp fiction novel, and a nice glass of beer.
97. I have a very possessive streak and hate to share my friends or husband with other people.
98. I hate nagging and have to stop myself from doing so.
99. I hate cold-callers on my cell-phone and think it shows a total and utter lack of regard for other people’s privacy.
There, I’m done – this was exhausting… no more lists for some time.
3 He said She said:
Nish-pish...i adore you ok? Always always remember that! Muuuuaaaaaaaaaahh!
Some of my favorite things about my favorite person!
1. She's my fashion guru...
2. She's an amazing domestic goddess. Amazing domestic goddessing is what she does!
3. She's awesome with her cats, her hubby and me.
4. Which means she'll make a fabulous mom! I just know it!
5. I love that we're almost the same size. hee heeheee
6. I love that she's always looking out for me.
7. I don't like sharing her with anyone!...(..the evil forces of boredom are trying to get her to join them but I just won't ever let that happen!)
8. She’s such a little cuddle bunny. I can't imagine how Vikram doesn't squeeze her constantly.
9. I love how she just totally gets me...(sax on the beach? cello on mountain?
chepo on bed? hehehehehee)
10. I love how I’m so fabulous when I’m with her! She just totally completes me!
11. She totally underestimates herself. She's sooo much prettier and sooo much more talented than she gives herself credit for!
12. She has the cutest little dimple and knows it!
13. She’s dopey in Delhi!
14. She packs a mean punch..(Danglers in mouth action really happens!)
15. She’s always been a great daughter. Family’s important to her.
16. She’s the one person I know who can make me behave..(Hell.. I’m even nice to her cats!!!)
17. I always just want her to be happy. And not just happy-happy but over joyously, blissfully, exuberantly rapturous!
18. I love how she let me into her room and heart when I was an over-weight teenager and totally loved me for just being me!
19. I love how we’re so different and yet so totally one soul!
20. I love the drunk-arsed, circular, unending conversations we have....and just adore all that bracketing!!!!!!
21. I really wish I had her eye-brows!
22. I love how she writes. Reading her blog is my BrightSpot of the day.
23. She has great taste. Clothes, music, food, books, friends..(and by friends I mean me! heheheheee)…pretty much everything!
24. I will totally kill for her!
25. And also kill her with my own bare hands if she ever EVER doesn’t be my bestest friend for all eternity!
Oh I also forgot
100. I giggle like crazy with you which drives other peopl up the wall
That Giggle and smile is one of the most amazing i have seen.....runs in the family....wish I had a smile like yours
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