I felleded down last saturday night while walking tomy car in a perfectly good part of town - actually the exalted glorious foot-path outside of bombay gym - which goes to prove that not even exalted, glorious (and have i mentioned how the air at bombay gym is probably the best air in the world)probably gold-covered if you go by the HUsband's pronoucements footpaths in the world are perfect.
So i have a very briused knee - and its becoming all sorts of intersting colours everyday -
monday it was blueish black -
tuesday lighter bluish-black
wednesday it was purplish
thursday it was purple/ yellowing
and also i have a glorious scab that i am just waiting for to totatly scab over so i can start picking at it - distracts me from the fact that i am now growing my nails out for attaining the BBC look and must not chew them - even in times of tenshun.
am i aiming for a deeper philosphy here? about healing wounds??? No, it just proved husband'd point that I should wear sensible shoes at all times while walking around in our fair dug-up city where VilasRao uncle is doing his bestestest to improve into a shanghai and which leads to two things:
a. SLight embargo on 4inch heels for a bit (oh, but the shoes at catwalk are sooo bootylicious - hehehe i punneded)
b. Craving for chinese food (Shanghai was mentioned)
Am off to del-del in less than 24hours so also saving up the shoes money for some rocking card sessions - wonder if my beigneer's luck will still hold out - made 3.5k last year.
And have I metioned how i am full of the energy in the mornings and i wake up at 7am all chirpy and ready to get on my yoga mat and be all limber-like.
I've been doing power-yoga for three weeks now and no, it hasnt got me any thinner not any more sculpted. Though there may be great defintion under all the littlewittle fatcells, you think???
but boy, you should see my flexibility!!!
Book Slutting
So, I have been living without zee televizion for three months now - and i really wanted to give something up... meat has been surprisingly super-easy, except of course when Stupe is in town and then we go around killing a few ducks all in the name of filling up little pancakes at Royal China!!! and also because it just seems so unfair to pay nearly 1000buckeroos to eat like chinese greens - may as well spend a few more buckeroos for meat logic was happenieng with Stupe and Husband ... and end bracketing.
And zee televizion - it is the conkeed. phut, phut, phut it makes the noise - and it is never getting fixed becos i think all electrical stuff should be handled by husband and husband thinks all house stuff should be handled by me, period.
So, I have been using all the time that I could have spent watching will and grace in the expansion of the mind (yes, the tumtum is very well expanded already thank u very much). Some of the books I have read in the last three months:
Maximum City - Suketu Mehta
Line of Beauty - Alan Hollister
The Way to paradise - Mario Vargas Llosa
In Custody - Anita Desai
The Broker - John Grisham (couldnt resist - John Grisham is like pringles - once u start cant stop, and i was getting tired of all the intellectual stimulation - my straight hair could not handle it)
And lots and lots of Voguefucking in the middle...
Currently reading
Bluebeard's Egg - Margaret Atwood
Vile Bodies - Evelyn Waugh
(what can i say, i am a little bookslut!!)
I just got me this email and was just thinking - if you wanted to get your penis enlarged - wouldnt you want to do it through someone who atleast ran a spellcheck? I dont ever run spell-checks but then I am very satisfied with the size of my penis...
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Parrish"
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 5:01 AM
Subject: Hoi
> Sensational revolution in medicine!
> Enlarge your penis up to 10 cm or up to 4 inches!
> It's herbal solution what hasn't side effect, but has 100% guaranteed results!
> Don't loose your chance and but know wihtout doubts, you will be impressed with results!
> Clisk here: http://hamptonsswitchboard.info
the wierd start to the weekend
it was - maybe becos almost weekend night (thursday for those of u who dont know their hours to the weekend yet) was a bit stressful with the people around me being completely demanding - and then i go to hoffice this morning!!
And then personnel no 1 said he is joining municipal job -aaaahole - hope he has to clean the sewers!!! And personnel no2 is unwell!!! And the stress of being director/ merchandiser/ make my own calls (sorry, i live in india and i pay people to make my calls for me, the beauty of cheap labour)
And then all of a sudden, inexplicable tears started welling up!!! And tears of not laughing at a dumb jim carrey movie or from doing a bottoms up on 170ml of beer but actual tears of frustration and overwhelmishness.
I dont know if my life would be different if i ever had a job and got yelled at for all my mistakes but at the end of the day just took my money home, said shallamm saab and you know, invested 13%, managed house-hold with 50%, conveyance was 25% (ok maybe 30% with the iraq war and all) and spent the rest of it on frivolities? And that was the end of my responsibility?? I am overwhelmed right now - the things I need are
Class A merchandiser
Class A yarn supplier
Class A production team
oh, and gold wrap-around shoes.
Hope the weekend improves - will meditate on being with the Rock-Star and The Don in 3 weeks, 3 weeks baby!!!!!!!!!! Already feeling better - which is not to totalt skip the fact that i now haveto go home and do the laundry, ick ick ick!! will maybe stop by at the store that says shoes sale - 399, 299, 199.
The really really fun weekend!!!
so my most favourite rock-star in the world decided to fly down for one night for partying on Friday Nite - the drinking was supposed to start at 8.30pm - but as always with Rock-Stars, the wait for the entourage to gather from Powaii, Andheri and LOkhandwala took a bit longer than anticipated and me in my impatience to get on with rock-star like activities almost confused green tea for other green colours fluids (i dont know either, just sounded like intersting, no - like a apple martini??) and almost had one cup with the husband - who said weekend, aaaaaaaah, time for gameboy Advance SP> heheheheh
So, finally metted with rock-star at 10pm, and since looked like loads of partying had to be caught up on - sped away on naughty boy (who has just been serviced, and is looking so nice and red right now) to meet up with the rock-star's boys at Ghetto - our original den of sin. The only sad bit is that once upon a time long long before the democratic state elections and the return to power of the congress, pubs in bombay used to be open till 4am and we used to leave Ghetto especially in October and find a long line of people waiting to pray at the Mahalaxmi temple, so absloving us of all sin. But not anymore - that is why i balance out the sinning by the making of green tea and ironing of clothes for the husband.... (only the green tea is true though i do lovingly put back all ironed clothes from laundry to cupboard - one whole one given to husband just for him - what to say i milk of human kindness and generosity)
Anyway, Back to Den of Sin with Rock-Star and Boys - and hello!?!? The boys of rock-star have gotted themselves very very nice girls also along the way - so there I said hi to Ganya and Neerav and Ramya and mygod they all have women now - who they are engaged/ married/ dating them too... and therefore forced me to keep straight face and not launch into ohmygod the time u carried me at bon jovi concert was so much fun kind of stuff. We are all growed up now u see. So Rock-Star deicded i would be her date for the evening and also lesbian life-partner but i prefer to keep it at fuckfriends!!! And then we progressed onto agenda which was malted beverages and music and in krix's case fiddling!!! And then forward to the GC - where in still on veggie wagon - worked very double-vissioned way down menu card. I had no idea that there was sooo much variety in veg food or or as the menu said FROM THE GREEN FIELDS - on the menu there was veg kolhapuri, veg dilruba, veg hyderabadi, veg tadka, veg butter masala, mixed veg, veg kadhai!!! lovely - so happy with my decision to become poster-girl for PETA now.
But Then it was brand new day and we deicded to indulge in domestic sides of us and haded the royal china dinner with the husband. who as a thank u for our gracious presence treated us to duck pancake, friend sea-weed, prawns, chicken, bacon fried rice (yes, sort of went off the whole PETApostergirl thing a bit - strange things happen during rockstar visits). And then we were tired of the whole domstiecity and had to return to our Stupendous & Fabulous party selves and dashed off to Hawiin Schack where we met up with Krix, the interpid fighter pilot and then Hawiin shut down again because of the democratisation of the electorate which made RRRPATIL the deputy CM and our new moral gaurdian becos u know now that the dance bars are shut, and all the beuatiful girls are locked up is no reason really really ugly men should be allowed to dance beyond 1am. DAMNIT!!!Just when it started to look funny and not just plain annoying - the ugly men dancing at hawiin. So, we deiced to go down to the dimple wine shop and pick us up a little castle and park next to jogger's park and talk and listen to some great non-hindi music. But again RRPatil's men in khaki rolled up to us - we sumdi mein put drinks under seat and they smelled us and checked lisence and then said ok, go home now ---- but we didnt wanna, so we just drove into another dark lane hehehehhe.
OOOOOOOOOOh, then but rock-star had to leave because you know her ever-popular self was much in demand for partee in delhi. So she wented waaaaaaaah!!! however, to not be feeling so alone becos the Fabulous will join her and the Don velly velly soon just in time for all the lovely gambling of diwali. yip yip!!