Friday, April 08, 2005

Happy friendship day!!

So, I'm not saying this on the correct day - but yesterday I was talking to a trasnported friend and also wished another one happy birthday and was thinking how happy I am that I have the people that i have in my life. They make it worthwhile and can excuse the tortorous thigh-thinning sessions with the trainer and season 8 of friends for the endlessth time which are about the only things i have going on in my life - oh and Lola's nightly moaning (which secretly I enjoy cos it doesn't bother me but keeps the husband up all night hehehehehe - so evil so evil)

Its always been really hard for me to make those lifetime friendships - maybe because i'm so lazy and deep deep down inside really shy - i think its like a mr. exhibiosto and dr.shy personality. I'm really really comfortable only with a few people - the others I clam up or blather on till the eye-balls glaze over and then i'm never allowed to meet those people again!!! Which kind of thwarts the whole friendship developmental thing - meeting being an essential perquisite to all that bond-formation.

So, was musing the reason i am friends with people i am with, becos well, my car still doesn't have a muzic system and the rickshaw drivers in the city are just plain ugly!! no eye candy on the way home - sigh!!

Oh oh and I do have to add that they are all women. For some funny reason, I strongly suspect my married male friends are not allowed to talk to me anymore - the wiveys obviously having heard only about the mr. exhibisto side of me.

reason 1: none of them have a very strong grip on sanity - oh, they may pretend to the outside world but deep deep down inside, alongside the blood-pumping aorta, also beats the crazy veins. There are degrees of craziness there - gradable on a scale of 1 - 10 margaritas but it is there.

reason 2: the ability to laugh - at themselves, at me and with me - very very important.

reason 3: same clothes size - well, most of them i can swap clothes with (yes, i am shallow aren't i - making friends based on body-size) but the ones i cant, well, i lovethem anyway.

reason 4: a grand passion for food, drink and merry-making.

ok, cant reason anymore, but if any of you can, let me know why i love u and why you love me.
So, happy birthday lools, happy job hunting reems, happy work& commuting v and prach, many more movie gj and many happy online adventures to us, rash!!!

1 He said She said:

At 12:49 AM, Blogger lulu said...

thanks for the birthday wishes, nish. you and i get along so well because we're both half good girl and half really naughty :) you know whatchimean!!
i love that you're down to earth, super fun and totally adorable. and you're so easy to confide in. hope you're keeping all those secrets of mine!! thanks for being such a wonderful girlfriend.


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