Friday, June 03, 2005

subsituting with review of stuff nobody cares about

Stupendous Rash prohibited from posting most hilarious but marginally incriminatory InaneChatter of April 5, 2005.

So, will be back after weekend with hopefully my take on following movies:
1. Revenge of the Sith
2. Kung Fu Hustle
3. Royal China dim-sum lunch (which is not a movie but a restaurant)

Oh, and big news is that husband has joined PCS as a consultant in the Biznez Intelligence & Data Warehousing division. So, have to be strong and supportive and wake up at 7am to make tea and brekkers!!! exhausted - will spend weekend nights wedged on sofa pointed at TV

1 He said She said:

At 9:17 AM, Blogger ganpatibapa said...

seems like your husband me do the samekinda bull at work. I work on biz intel and data integration too


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