Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Off to Goa – off, off – with three t-shirts, 1 sexy swim-suit and lots of sun-block. Never packed so light – the husband’s carryall has broken zipper (obviously not YKK – heahehahehaha) and we have to share bags. Have to remember to pack new sexy corset I gotted for new years eve party – which I hope I fit into after three whole days of sausage chily-fry and pav and fish butter-garlic and chicken cafreal (yea, I lapsed into meatism)


I've got mail

I love getting email in my outlook express – there is this little logo which says receiveing 1 or 2 or 1 of 3 and it donloads and there is this whole suspense about whether it is good email – like an order or something, or bad email like why are you so late on shipment or like this style not approved or junk email like how I can buy medicines really cheap. But whatever – its still email. I mean even viruses have feelings right??? Even if the feeling is to annoy me at the least and take over my computer and my whole life and change my computer into a evil moth-eating dark machine???

And while we are on msn, I would like to say that i hate the stupid clip guy with the wiggly eye-brows who pops up wheneevr i have word doc & dear together - asking if i want help typing a aletter abd i have to be like no, you stupid american who insists i take toefel as test of engligh and i can speak it better than you (even if as we all know by now, cant spell) But i adore the doggie who searches for my files, and then shows me TADAHHH!!! here is lost file and does the whole tail-wagging - seriously i wish I could send him a vritual pat. And a bone - but then maybe he would dig up all over the virtual are where my files were and then couldnt find them again.

Friday, December 23, 2005

more rings around uranus- Yahoo headline

was it just me or did you also think about not washing up well???? hehehehe!!!
skid-marks planet.
Which got me thinking about how comfortable do you need to be around someone if you have to in polite terms, pass wind??? I mean com-on we eat indian food - filled with gassy legumes, gassy veggies and gassy rice and gassy pickels. I figured it must be love when husband started letting out deadly silent ones after huge helpings of my fabulous mixed dal tadka.

Also, I have noticed this very disgusting habit most drivers have - picking their noses at traffic-signals...eeeeeeeeww - I know the window glass is tinted, but hello - that does not make you invisible.

OK, now back to my refined, elegant self - have engagement pary to attend at Salt Water Grill - this gorgeous new place at marine drive - which is on the beach. Finally we get a nice place to hang-out and the people who cant are going around PILing the private use of the beach - a public property. I'm just like dude!!!its 4000sq.feet - use the rest of the beach for your pav-bhaji. I do hope the court lets this place stay - its very good fun and a godo starter to GOA!!!! next Weekend - here i come, big belly and all
yipppeeee - the year is almost over - dont care anymore about bloody sweaters to bloody germans and bloody spaniards and also very cute but bloody belgian kids.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

it could happen to you

oy, my recurring dreams about me being girl-about-town in Nooyawk against cursing-sweater-girl in bomaby did not involve imagining that nooyawk could also ever wind down to a halt becos of the transit workers strike - which is really a fancy word for conductors and ticket sellers.
I mean this happens to us all the time - and then our congress governement with vilasrao uncle gives more money to the conductors & bus-drivers & ticket-checkers and then the strike is called off. There is a law against them striking or calling for bandhs even here but i dont think anyone has ever paid up - and nobody has bothered. It's really hard to be an active civilian when all you want to do is send husband off to work, get to work yourself, send off bloddy sweaters to bloody giant germans and drag ass to gym to shrink tummy.
But to read all of this is happeneing in nooyawk - the city of my dreams!?!?!?! well, that just breaks my little heart. And the transit workers actually make statements like we are not garbage and should be treated with more respect - duh!!! Sons of the soil there too?!?!?!?!?! I think there is being great scope for Raj Thakarey - ex-Shiv Sainik and star son of soil to go and start his own little party there.

Friday, December 16, 2005

aaaaaaaaaargh - the weekend

as the don would say shitbuggerbumballs - dont want the weekend - it is inching me closer to the year end when i have to ship-out 7500 or so pcs, not 1, not 2, not fie-ve but shitbuggerbumbaling 7500.

it used to be we live for the weekend, but now i just cant seem to get it over with in one party-hard,wake-upand-make-the-husband-oatmeal-drive-us-to-bombay-gym-say-hello-to-random-people-eat-club-food-and-stagger-into-bed-whining-about-the start-of-another-week, but honestly I am glad. I just cannot handle the routine that my weekend-life is and the vagaries of dealing with printers, shipping agents and uplabour from ludhiana is the only thing that keeps me on my toes these days, it seems.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I realise that I just dont think enough these days - it's like a gradual dumbing down of me... Met a potential girl date (she's married tho, so will have to pursue little strongly but subtly) who has just joined the Ogaan group of publications in the contributing writer or something department and i was all like ooooh, publish me and she was all like oooooh, what do you write and i was like erk, just like about you know alcohol-fuelled partying and she was like erm, we don't publish that.

I mean it's not just about not exercing my little-wittle bit of creative potential that i may have - its shameful i know given that peeps i know can like paint and carry very many tunes and do sudoku & mid-day cross-words, but well, writing a bit is my one and only talent. (that and the ability to look very in the moment while letting my mind take a holiday - but thats not really a talent, more like a survival skill because i swear to you, if you really had to listen to every idiot merchandiser on this planet, you would be PMS-symptoming like all the time, and you would not even have to be a girl)

I am even taking short-cuts with my reading - i just got this new book "Life & Times of Michael K" by J. Coetzee, one of my favourite writers but do i read it - no, because Coetzee's book are complex, they bring up many moral and ethical issues, they kind of smack you in the face about how really nobody is truely secular and non-bigotted. Instead, I choose to devote all my spare reading time to a pirated version of 'Shantaram' by Gregory David Roberts. Shall review it later - but lets just say, it's not a mental challenge; a very engrossing and quick read inspite of the really 5th grade language.

anyway, plan to start another blog devoted to serious writing!!!