Thursday, April 28, 2005

Naughty Boy has suffered so much in the four months that he has been driving me around - pooh baby - got scratches and scrapes driving around on bombay city roads withcompltete dumbass honda city drivers, and idiot maruti800 drivers and oh dont even get me started on Qualis drivers... we will not defile the blog by mentioning the rickshaw drivers which are lower than the scum that eats the scum that lives at the bottom of the pond where the D company throws the dead bodies and nothing alive can survive (except scum and rickshaw drivers).

So, i got Naughty BOy a lovely toy - a Pioneer CD+MP3+FM muzic system and 6 speakers baby - it rocks it seriously does - i actually smile while driving and swear much less. overall it is making me a better person and happy me also means happy Naughty Boy.

I really wanted to write about serious issues in the city but that will have to await another day when i dont put on my party music and go oh oh boy stop freaking around nananan red blooded woman!!! or saw you dancing at the party...!!!

So i swing into office every morning and haveto be really careful to control the butt wiggle a serious after effect of party muzic in car. So happy and now my one&only plus one are swinging into town!!! My cup brimth over. happy excellent drunken weekend to myself and all of you out there!!! ROCK ON!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

eeeeeeee ee ee

the girls are coming the girls are coming!! just a sneak preview of whats going to happen for the next 4 days in between costume changes and visits to the bar
we have plans to land up at gj's empty house so the mary mural wont get lonely since the hotel plans went awry!!!
Nish says: the husband he asking why they not staying at itc
Nish says: i said u getting deal of 7 nites for 2k
Nish says: he's like oh even itc i'm sure shaadi party can get good deal
Nish says: i said sure but still like 2k a nite, this for whole week
Nish says: and he was like yea, but she can stay at 5star
Nish says: and i was like yea, but daaru money wasted on fiestar
Nish says: and he was like oh u are such alcoholics
Nish says: and i was like yea
Nish says: and then we stopped talking
rushes says: lol
rushes says: wear chaddi outside next time
rushes says: for reinforcement
rushes says: blog alter ego to the rescue
Nish says: hehehe
Nish says: chaddi
rushes says: hehehe
rushes says: i said chaddi
Nish says: hehehehe u said ego
rushes says: heh hehe hee hehe he he
Nish says: hehe he he ehe he ehe
rushes says: lol
Nish says: u said alter lol
Nish says: hehehehheheheheh
rushes says: hehehehehheheeee
rushes says: bltsl

(thats short for BitingLipToStopLaughing - its mine, its original and if u use it u have to pay me...or u know danglers in mouth action will happen - i do kickboxing)

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

love actually

i've been floating on air the whole weekend inspite of having missed BAR NIGHT i spent it almost exclusively with husband hehehehe - i think its all called LURVE!!! started with romantic dinner on friday nite at POtpourii - yes, its back and it kicks Da Vinci's ass all the way to Hill Road. of course it didnt help that husband suddenly turned around at end of evening and the we had the detecting conversation where husband turns detective:
Husband: what you feeling guilty about?
me: nothing
husband: no, you missed bar nite
me: just wanted to spend time with you sweety
husband: (choking!!!) really????
me: well, just little guilty that I havent been DG'ing as much as I should have been (DG = domestic goddess) (i had been feeling guitly because of the whole not getting up to give tea and brekky at like crack of dawn to husband when he zooms off to save the mega oil coproration against the evil viruses and other wierd things that computers do when they are booted - I dont know, I know he does something?? I mean why else would he be gone like all day - it cannot be another woman - he stopped looking at them when he met me - its true cos he told me so, he did he did)

However, since husband caught me out, I decided to renege on being DG for rest of night and called gal-pal Stupendous Rash - She is nemesis of Virtuous Husband who fights the evil forces of partying!!! She embodies partying in its purests 98%v/v form...figured if she was out the balance in the world would be corrected since i had gasp!!! missed bar nite. she was also home?!?!?! so we indulged in our favourite thing to do InaneChatter (Trademark pending ((dont you dare copy it - or i will come and hunt you down and make you wish you had had all the children you wanted already)) And we have coined yet another Rashnishism - BRACKETING - its when you have asides but you are wrting the asides down and sometimes the asides just start slow and meaningful but then kind of pick momentum and gather asides of their own - then you see we have to seperate the different asides by brackets - now in a conversating they would be called bracketing - oh i know its actually a long word spelled parenthese or something but try using that in the same sentence as DUDE!!!

Then Saturday I really felt a bit tired of my materialistic, shallow life and deiced to be a volunteer and went for first volunteer work at WSD - Welfare of Stray DOgs at the municipal pound and it was horrible - oh the doggies are sweet and need help but these were bits of the city i realy did not want to see - the municipal garbage dumping ground is right next to it. so after doing my little bit for the adorable doggies, i ran like seriously fled from there to a cold shower with lots of soap and deo at the club.

Then to revert to romantic mood (I am such a multi-tasker) I went and gotted tickets for me and husband for HITCH - this really funny comedy with will smith (oh dont duh me comedies are not always funny) and since the tickets at INOX are waaay overpriced i managed to get them easy squeezy and YEA finally saw HITCH!!!

then the rest of weekend was blur, since no margaritas were involved - but it being ferpectly fine cos we had romantic club chinese, romantic club sendwiches, romantic club tea... and so on and so forth.

then on sunday husband was feeling extra lurve so he took me to romantic mini-hill climbing - which was horrible - all above-land activities which require a girl to be surefooted and agile are nixed in the future. i so suck at all this climbing routine.... but mini-hill being at land-end in bandra, awesome half-bandra-worli link flyover could be seen - its like out of miss-impossible the whole giant crane and the huge squares of concrete just waiting to be picked up by giant crane and placed on giant pillar emerging out of sea. i cant belive the band-worli link will be ready within a couple of years....yippeee!!

Aaaahhhh, lurve!!lurve!! lurve is really in the air these days -
one of my friends is getting the royal treatment and i'm like damn this did NOT happen to me - she goes to golden dragon, i used to go to Tewari... they discuss NOBU next door - i used to discuss rawa idli sunday breakfast at USK.....
she gets branded (the real stuff, no chinatown) stuff, i got homemade bulbs and roadsigns from leggo sets. aaaah, my romance was so much better. So happy to know its still going on!!! love the husband - righteous citizenship and party-battling forces aside.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

hitch???? hitch???? hitch???

When will i get to see this movie - sunday night i was all enthu but the husband was bizy partying in his own little way - putting new exciting downloads or whatever turns on his mistress DELL - the bitchlap-top!!!
so then we thought we would go last night for the 10.30 show - and as usual it said house full in front but like atleast 5 guys outside doing black sales... which pissed me off in a very aaah, fuck it lets pay 50bucks more and watch the movie way but pissed husband off in a righteous anger we are tax paying citizens of the country and we have a right to get tickets from the counter when it is not house-full way. so after argiung with the seriously ugly counter sales guy about how we would go to the police and jazz, (seriously ugly dude!!!) we actually wented to the police station and may i just say i never want to do it again.

i mean if the station is where there are people in need of help, how total slime of the earth must be the people who actually commit the crimes man??? ugly again - this was turning out to be one ugly m***f*** evening. So the inspection on charge Mr. Jagtap sent one constable with us to go slap the black guys (i'm not racist - guys who sell in black market - i love blacks!! the real blacks!! by which i mean african-american, africans also when they not busy killing each other and stealing money from starving women and children)
however, i think the ugly counter guy cought on to us and asked the guys who are doing black marketing of tickets to scoot - so we didnt find anyone... then the ugly counter guys (there was more than one ugly guy) whined to cops that the guys who are doing black marketing of tickets beat them up - well, duh!!! did u see how ugly u are - if u dont get beat up more i;d be surprised!!!

so, anyway since cop didnt find the guys who are doing black marketing of tickets, we wented back to police station.

mr. jagtap, cop at large said ok, we will send car tomorrow and husband said i will go with car (righteous anger here here!!!) and cop at large said ok, be here at 9.30pm sharp and husband said why 9.30? show is at 10.30, so cop at large said ok 10 (by now cop at large is getting little tired of the husband with righteous anger) me, i'm checking out the mug-shots - seriously its not just the american shows - they actually have pictures of ppl standing with boards (in marathi tho) with like side-profile and front shots!!! and they all look the same - UGLY!!!

so, then husband insisted that they make note of complaint in diary and cop-at-large said but we didnt catch anyone, what to make note of? so husband said but we know they are out there, so you make note of the fact that you didnt catch them
so cop at large said no, not needed
husband said needed
cop at large mumblend some lovely marathi phrases which i am very happy to not have understood and asked the chappie for diary
then cop at large asked husband for dad's name
then husband said i dont use it (husband having middle name, very important & foreign - i also having atleast 3 middle names given at time of birth bu not be using the same, because then i sound v.v.v. fancy and i really a humble girl at heart - aside from all the backpatting of the self and all)
cop at large said but how you no use?
husband said bus, i dont use - you use, i dont
so cop at large again muttered something and wrote down name without the middle initial and wroted rest of complaint in marathi
then cop at large asked us to leave
then i thanked cop at large because you know, he's a cop!!!
then we left
then husband suspected cop at large was chaisng us!!!
then husband made auto take diversion from sumdi-gaalii
then we reached home
then we walked up the long steep driveway home
then we said hi to the cats (building)
then we came home
then we took our cats for a walk (house cats a.k.a lc, tc and pc)
then i made tea
then i read what ho jeeves!!!
then i fell asleep
i have no comments whatsoever about my evening (except the counter guy being ugly but thats not so mucha comment as a fact of life - most indian guys are ugly!!! damn it i have to move to the netherlands)
but this is my life - come live it... rash may just visit during the body exchange program!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Originally uploaded by Nish1.
this picture was after a very very busy nite of partying - we are recovering from hangovers by having an excellent beer lunch adventure!!! which beats our excellent online adventures by sheer joy & craziness of being offline and together.
this is magic beer - it goes in yellow and comes out clear!!! so this is your new learning of the day - hold the thought.
And never feel forced to drink by your friends who are fasting (apparently, vodka doesnt count since it is potato based) - that is waaay too much BEER PRESSURE
buy the book for more rashnishisms. DUDE!!!

Monday, April 18, 2005

end of vacating!!!

i need to give credit where it is due and vee came up with a brilliant one in december - WE ARE ON VACATION, ERGO WE ARE VACATING!!!
and now i am all vacated out though i do wish the spinning in my head would stop - kind of like a burp!! you may be done with the meal but the after effects are still there - i'm walking around with a stupid grin on me face and saying DUDE!!! to my self.
would love to write about it but since most of it is unprintable and being saved for our bestseller that you will have to buy exclusively at the BAR-BAR!!!

dont ask beyond that.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

come fly the deccan skies

I'm going to get on a jet plane which is known to have air conditioning not working - but it was cheeep, so dont care, unless i suffocate in which case, i entrust my one&only to sue the d out of the deccan - heheh air eccan!!!

i had a fabbbulous dinner last nite at Pan Asian, which is the place at the Sheraton that we never go to because I just have to add 4576809 fat calories at peshawari eating daal bukhara twice every time.
Nice place very big with red being a big accent - and the layout is sooo fabulous. Its gota dimsum counter, a sushi counter, a yakitori grill counter and also on 2-3 different levels.

The food was also amazing - i have finally found great south east asain!!! We got some dimsum, chiken yakitori with skin on - oooooooh i love it love skin that is crispy and it gets all sweet and caramalised.
and they got this amazing butta which i do feel i should be on a beach to enjoy but boiled and dipped in some lovely soya sauce blend which made it salty/ sweet/ tangy YUM YUM.
And the main course was as good - fragrant red curry with the right balance of spice, coconut milk and meat.
the desert was disappointing but given that i am not crazy about desert i didnt mind. And there was fabulous, intersting company and conversation - so glad only had 2 glasses of wine so didnt make total and complete ass of myself.

However, all this fabulousness is at a price, so hope can con very many people into taking me there. sigh!!!!!!!! Panasia - u just resotered my faith in thai food in bbay - even thai pav is like borrring now.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The Biznez of Partying

hello, lovely blog on whose pages i can do no wrong!!! (sucha strong silent type my little space in the world wide web he be) I ish going to the capital for the extremely serious and worthy biznez of PARTYING.
So, if i dont write you for a bit its becos i'm very busy in self imrpovisation of myself and the selves of rash & vee....
14 April 2005
1850: Meet and Greet at delhi Airport
1930: Arrive at Delhi Gymkhana
2000: Order second round of cheap maragaritas and chicken tikkas
2100: Order fifth round of margaritas
2130: Depart for Casbah
2140: Make long list of requests to DJ for excellent booty shaking hip hop.
2145: Shake the booty
0145: Depart for paranthas at IIT Delhi
0245: Depart for home & rest

15 April 2005
1130: Make first attempt to wake up
1200: Make second attempt to wake up
1215: Wake up
1245: Depart for lunch to flames
1530: Depart for window shopping at M Block
1730: Depart for home to get ready
2000: Depart for pre-dinner drink at BUZZ
2100: Depart for dinner at Jerry Wongs
2300: Depart for post dinner drink to Turquoise Cottage
sometime00: Depart for home

16 April 2005
1230: Wake up
1330: Depart for lunch to the BIG CHILL to undo the workout for one month
1530: Depart for long nap
1730: Wake up and get ready for Bacholerrete night of Ritzi
1745: Try on outfit #1
1755: Try on outfit#2
1805: Change eye make-up appropriate to Outfit#2
1810: Change top of outfit #2 and suck tummy in 10 times to check if pants can be retained
1820: Get into outfit #3 just to check
1825: Put on some hip hop and dance around
1845: Return to the outfit trying scenario
1900: Depart for party
1930: Party
2030: Still partying
2130: what did you think???
2230: Yes, still there
2300: ....arrr wh&8 yeshhh yesshhh party's on
sometime00: lost track

17 April 2005
1030: Wake up with great effort and depart for airport
1130: Board flight with heavy heart and half open eyes

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

the forced effort

so i'm working along tra la la la la a - and i get forceded into blogging by my one& only, and so i am musing that i have nothing amusing - just a little muse about the disuse of my many skills and talents like dancing on the bar!! concocting wild stories which enable us to take child beers away from old men and into our rightful and deserving arms!!
so here is a review of zenzi - a RESTO BAR - with drums & bass music from israel - which means no lyrics!!!which means no dancing on bars because the bar is rather small!!! which means diffused lighting!!! which means no bumming drinks!!!which means expensive drinks!!! which means sober nish!!! which means needing of the excellent company or absolutely useless conversation!!! so i got useless conversation - which revolved around the begetting of the progeny!! is my biological clock ticking so loud??? can like everyone and their great-uncle hea iot?? why dont people leave my ovaries alon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway, just got a personal trainer at great personal expense and sacrifice by husband so no scope that ruining all the effort of lifting weights by the working oif the leg muscles alone by going and getting fat. and the other stuff about cleansing the system by not induging inany vices.
The thing about people with no vices is that they can have really annoying virtues. Not that i am virtuous by any standards but why bother to find out
so instead i settled down to some fine fusion food - a lovely alliteration in concept not so succesful in practice.... I think i'm justa bit sore that the nori rolls came with french chilli suacisses instead of my fave - wasabi!!!
anyway, enough cribbing already - its a nice place, nice food, hot gora men manning the place which makes the long wait for the valet totally alright with us.
and Saturday night i wented to pesahwari with the husband - gave him major grief about how he goes on all his biznez lunches there and i never get to go which didnt work so then tried the whole love-mush angle which also didnt work so then just had to put foot down and insist he take me - heheheh
and people of the world - if u ever commit heinous crimes like serial killing and rape or rape& then serial killing or embezzlement (tho that doesnt get u electric chair) and u want a last meal - i wuld highly recommend the dal bukhara. just like that - no dilution of taste by naan/ roti. and doggy bag the barra or raan and give it to me (you cant take it to hell, duh!!! cos if u are a serial killer and/ or rapist did you really think you would go to heaven?)

Friday, April 08, 2005

ummm, i forgotted the primary reason - D for ..... rf and V know what i mean!!! smooch smooch and many margaritas

Happy friendship day!!

So, I'm not saying this on the correct day - but yesterday I was talking to a trasnported friend and also wished another one happy birthday and was thinking how happy I am that I have the people that i have in my life. They make it worthwhile and can excuse the tortorous thigh-thinning sessions with the trainer and season 8 of friends for the endlessth time which are about the only things i have going on in my life - oh and Lola's nightly moaning (which secretly I enjoy cos it doesn't bother me but keeps the husband up all night hehehehehe - so evil so evil)

Its always been really hard for me to make those lifetime friendships - maybe because i'm so lazy and deep deep down inside really shy - i think its like a mr. exhibiosto and dr.shy personality. I'm really really comfortable only with a few people - the others I clam up or blather on till the eye-balls glaze over and then i'm never allowed to meet those people again!!! Which kind of thwarts the whole friendship developmental thing - meeting being an essential perquisite to all that bond-formation.

So, was musing the reason i am friends with people i am with, becos well, my car still doesn't have a muzic system and the rickshaw drivers in the city are just plain ugly!! no eye candy on the way home - sigh!!

Oh oh and I do have to add that they are all women. For some funny reason, I strongly suspect my married male friends are not allowed to talk to me anymore - the wiveys obviously having heard only about the mr. exhibisto side of me.

reason 1: none of them have a very strong grip on sanity - oh, they may pretend to the outside world but deep deep down inside, alongside the blood-pumping aorta, also beats the crazy veins. There are degrees of craziness there - gradable on a scale of 1 - 10 margaritas but it is there.

reason 2: the ability to laugh - at themselves, at me and with me - very very important.

reason 3: same clothes size - well, most of them i can swap clothes with (yes, i am shallow aren't i - making friends based on body-size) but the ones i cant, well, i lovethem anyway.

reason 4: a grand passion for food, drink and merry-making.

ok, cant reason anymore, but if any of you can, let me know why i love u and why you love me.
So, happy birthday lools, happy job hunting reems, happy work& commuting v and prach, many more movie gj and many happy online adventures to us, rash!!!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

ADD at work

i swear i have ADD - i actually work for 10 mins before i need to say something clever - not that my blog is clever, its just a rambling blog - tra-la-la-la breezy!!pretty!!! if my blog wore clothes it would right now be wearing a sleeveless floral print top in mul (no sequins) and a white crushed cotton skirt - silver jingly belt optional.

i put in a site meter thats free ahehahehah!! and note i have nearly 50 hits!! i just cant belive my populairty with meself and merash!!

and for the few ppl who read and are not me and rash, i just have to say that she be featuring most prominently in the blog and life becos she features most prominetely on my msn messenger - god bless bill gates, the people at toshiba and closed door to my cabin and multiple window pop-up software on my toshiba. So talk to me on msn, or yahoo i have no preferenaces between the two and u can also be rich and famous on the blog of note!! except that you wont be rich. Nor Famous. And its not a blog of note... but it will be after i die and then how sorry will you be??? huh? huh?

ok, now i have to get back to calculating stuff for work and stuff. but i'll be back - oh and also europe is in recession becos of the euro being high against the dollar and making sitting in ashiana the only affordable vacation and nobody is buying clothes ergo i have not much to do - last year i was a whirling dervish

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

hot cat under the roof

erk, ack and bloody hell!!! apparently when lola-cat had her reproductive innards removed so she wouldnt drive us nuts with the horny miaowing, the vet didnt do as thorough a innard-removal job as he should have!!! So a little bit of hormone producing ovary is left over!!
Now the collective heated atmospehere and horny cats in the building have triggered off the hormones of lola-cat and she makes a bloody hell lot of noise.
It's even worse than when I get twitchy towards the weekend - she yowls and yowls and I have to yell at Pepe to do her - only poor boy also had his little boy-bits removed so he doesnt really want to.
He just sort of healf-heartedly grabs her and humps her back - that is one sore back ladies and gentlemen.

and the best or worst bit depending on wose persepctive you have - i have mine so the bit is that Lola-cat does a lot of yowling at night and i'm a heavy sleeper and husband isnt so he lands up bein awake like a lot and i think he doesnt like that i sleep like an angel (now i havent figured out why they say sleep like a baby becos according to the parents of inaya, she sleeps in very short bursts - i dont know if angels sleep well, but it just sounds nice) so he just yelled out SHUT UP at 5.35am this morning and i was like my god did my eveil dreams i actually say something aloud but i belive my guilt was misplaced and it was gaali for lola-cat. Poor thing - she cant help the horniness - its peer pressure!!! there is a very pretty cat all white/ black/ yellow who has two big tabbycats fighting over her in the bilding compound.

and then husband started dark mutterings about how children make so much noise and they are sucha pain and MY poor ovaries started wincing at these dark eveil mutterings at 5.49am - when he was done yelling SHUTUP at lola-cat.

Erk, when will the horniness of lola-cat end - husband must sleep a full 6 hours, so we can start thinking about the good bits about babies. like their pretty toesies and finggies and the little chuckles and allover nice baby smell except when they shit thier pants in which case they have to be handed over to my mommy.

to become a more responsible corporate family, the cats have all been given respobnsibilities and positions:
Tigger is now Information Dissemination Executive Officer. She was going to be just executive but she is quite old school and old school likes the word officer apparently.
Lola cat is now Officer in charge of Protection from Bugs and Other Wierd Life-forms
Pepe is just Chief Cuteness Officer - with his big marble eyes he needs to be spread on a cracker and eaten raw style.

girl sanwiches will be served

the mutual self-admiration club i belong to has takena leaf out of the bible of good friendship as written by Shah Rukh KHan (also knows as the Baazigaar circa 80s, the King Khan circa 90s and as Shah by award-winning director of Swades - heheheh i have inner track i do i do - all part and parcel of being in inner circle) of brining biznez into friendship, love and devotion.

So Rash and I are starting a beer bar, seeing as they all do so well. It's going to be called BAR BAR

BAR BAR will serve child beer - to keep you youthful

BAR BAR will also serve girl sanwich - which a certain someone has great experience with on cold december nights in delhi

BAR BAR will not have dancing girls - becos otherwise we cannot manage the cash register and also it becoming illegal to dance in this country. Only to be dancing oustide the toilet please since customer will have pushed kidney and urinary holding device capacty to the maximum during enjoyment hours at BAR BAR

BAR BAR will not have discounted happy hours, since all hours spent at BAR BAR will necessarily be happy

BAR BAR will set up a committee with one retred supreme court judge to decide if the stautue in front of BAR BAR will be of indiraji or chtrapati shivaji maharajji

BAR BAR will also not entertain any VAT - we do not like the germans every since they invented the holocaust. Dont they know indians were everywhere first.

BAR BAR will encourage random kissing by hot guys (to us not other hot guys though we strongly support gay&lesbian love, generous tipping, discreet bribing so their pictures and indecent exposures do not land on the blogs)

BAR BAR will make up new rules as it goes along

BAR BAR will have no other branches, twigs or leaves unless the tree huggers give us mucho money. In which case the francising costs will be 10000000000000000 $$ or Euros whichever is higher at that time

Monday, April 04, 2005

I felt a bit virginia-woolvish is the hours this morning - when i found out that the cook had been super-efficient only because she didnt take the time out to swicth the gas off after cooking. Grrrrr - a little lost I am, because i always felt telling servants what to do is like the mommy's job and i dont feel old enough to handle servants - i get a bit flustered if I have to give them a souding off - most times i just dump the veggies in front of her super-efficient bustling face and disappear to try and catch up on the lovely dream again before i have to fix husband breakfast - damn, he;s not disapearingf super-early in the mornings!!
so, need to give her a talking to which is so unpleasant for me - why can peopl just not handle their given responsibities. it's painful enough for me to have to deal with agents and their backandforthing and idiot printers and zipper-suppliers without having half-assed help at home also. ick!!

Last night i was discussing making many financial new year resolutions which hisband laughed like he would choke - mean mean mean - i give him full and complete support when he says he will do his paperwork in time (and then do it six months after he was to file whatevers!!)
No seriously - i had this workout on saturday with a personal trainer at my gym - where there were times when i thought it would be eaiser to just like inhale cynaide and die - atleast it would be quick who knows if its painless becos the inhaler would be dead before anyone could ask no? but i means eriosuly - i did like 60 squats and then dumbell raises, and like sit-ups and now i'm thinking of sigining up for a three month program - and if my thighs are not much thinner by then, then its like f&&*&) it - i was meant to have fat thighs.

i am also going to try watching less tv and reading 2books a month - so far i;ve been reading 5pages of LIVING TO TELL THE TALE, the memoirs of Gabriel Garcia Marquez which is cool but then i fall asleep. So, less TV definetly.

And writing down my expenses, so i dont panik and think my bag's been pilferaged with - i swear i hemorage money (and also improve my spelling)

and avaoid carb-fests - which i do very evil-like on the weekends. Its just one white-foods party. cut cut

if i am a better person (god, its tough to imrpove on perfection, so its going to be sooo hard) in three months, i'm going to laugh back at husband so hard hehahehahahe (evil laugh)

oh oh and also think more deep profound thoughts.

Friday, April 01, 2005

happiness is

- playing with the bacchas
- crazy girls at indigo sunday brunch with lotsa of shooters in them, hindi music antakhsari and wild dancing
- free fancy coffee at the taj because of biig beaming smile to waiter who's been run off his feet and appreciated biig beaming smile (i think, i was well covered and with husband)
- sharing a peperoni pizza with gj
- an excellent episode of freinds or will and grace that i havent seen
- satc reruns with rash
- anything with rash
- shoe shopping
- planning a vacation (actual vacations are sometimes difficult)