flashes of depression
And my heart hurts today – I actually feel physical strings of love aches, or unhappy aches or jouyous singing so I think its really stupid when people say the mind is where all the emotions are – I actually actually feel the pain the left side of my chest (that’s where the heart is supposed to be not the cortex or semicoretx or cerebellum or any other part assigned to the emotional blather we feel.
I’m sad because I hit husband much harder than I meant to last night when he was singing annoying pepsi jungles when all I really meant to do was a gentle shut up you smack!! And now he is mad at me and I didn’t get a good-bye kiss in the morning and if I have an accident today, he’ll feel really bad he didn’t give me the statutory good morning kiss – and I said I’m sorry like four times. Not once, not twice not thrice four times. I haven’t yet got a corresponding forgiven sms.
And I’m also worried about the slow selling in Europe on the sweaters, because I haven’t any confirmed orders yet and frankly there is only so much goofing off I can do – after sometime I really need to be busy and useful or feel busy and useful
I’m also really wishing I had picked a vocational skill for which I had more aptitude and I could pick up and take with me wherever I went. The garment industry is very hard to survive in if you are on the smaller side of mid-size. The bigger customers come to you when you have the size and scale but I’m worried about getting into a bigger scale, because the sweater business is seasonal and I would be stuck with empty machines and labourers.
So, I’m worried, unhappy and wishing I could undo the smack and let husband sing his silly song. Not a fun almost-the-weekend mood I know. The weekends don’t seem so special now anyway, because my weeks are also dull and non-hectic. And this mood is not me, since I’m congenitally manically chirpy. Maybe I’m getting older??
"we are all lezzies when the right guy is not around"
Karen Walker, Will and Grace
weeknights 10.30pm IST
on writing but not really
Is my lack of work and super-zero interst in what I am doing trying to tell me something – besides the fact that I am lazy, a procrastinater par excellence (if they give awards for procrastination – I think husband and I would get the family one! We haven’t fixed our alarm clock whose battery died down two months ago, so I never know what time it is so it is lucky that I have a wonderful internal body clock which works fine as long as it is fuelled – and I digress again – maybe the runners up to the procrastination award could get the digression award, not digestion – a whole lot of koppikars waiting for that one!) procrastination procastrnation - where does the time go (sung to the tune of reproduction from grease2, one dumbass sequel if there was one)
I’ve seriously been enjoying writing so much – yes, it’s a lovely bit of encouragement when I get calls and emails (only from family so far but it’s a biiiig family) telling me that they really enjoy (well, most said enjoy I added the really on my own) reading (that’s also because I’m dive-bombing them about till they give in) what I write. But really for me, its an internal self-satisfaction variety of thing to do, to be able to say to the lovely empty non-judgemental word doc the stuff I think about and really really want to bitch – sometimes articulately, sometimes not! seriously, who's going to interrupt? the stupid mr. clip on msword - got rid of him long ago heahehahahea (evil laugh!!) I really look forward to getting to work so I can hehe see what dooce did today or what happened with the foodwhore. and i love goofing off and this is like totally the funnest way to do it.
I was flattered by Lulu's little acknowledgement of my rants & maons but really, i think it comes out as honest becos honesttogod, i dont think about anyone besides stupendousrash reading it (and she hasta cos she being my love and all those obligations that go with it). Its really my own little egomassager about how funandlovely i am. If I did have more margi' stories and less moanieng ones, It would be more intersting I think. I did think I would have more adventures of my own becos seriously i just moved to this happeneing suburb and the cats hardly get out but it looks like they are getting more footage than the margaritas. However, turns out we are ageing and we don’t like to go out much since our voices go all hoarse and we dont really enjoy pointless drinking anymore (rashwould say buts that the best kind of drinking hehehehe) and by we i mean my firend who is too busy getting awards and attending premiers and everyone else is rotten and has moved away and the one crazy girl i did manage to form a functional girlfreind type relationship got banged up and had a littlewittle baby who is cute so she is forgiven but still - makes life hard with just the husband and cats on most weeknites. and the city is really very limited in its options of things to do beyond watch the most excellent recycled American sitcoms and dramas. My favourites are:
1. FRiends
2. Will and Grace
3. ER (george!!!!!!!)
4. Grounded for life
5. The 70s show
7. Six feet under
8. Alias
9. Kylie wong cooks (tho this one is ozzie)
10. Date patrol
11. Amazing vacation homes
12. Miss Match (cos alicia silverstone is such a cookie, otherwise its dorky)
13. Friends (on star world this time)
14. Amazing Race
i watch waay too much tv.
Writing for an audience was what I did, when i thought i was cool back in college – god, we thought we were like the coolest thing on B road, and btw there are some people who are still walking around in the daze of glory that I keep bumping into at all the drink-for-free-or-very-little-money events that I have to keep going to for social obligation’s sakes.
Howvere, however – so if I stop procrastinating, I’m flirting with the idea of doing like some studies in Fashion journalism in maybe2006 – and let the bloody sweaters just knit themselves, inocare!!!
Alternative careers I would like
Critic – oh, anything everything
Fashion journalist – which kind of covers in critic I think
Chef – but only a very very famous one, so I can charge $$$$ for sauted garlic.
Shoe designer
I ish a domestic goddess!!! No, really I ish I ish!!!
I know that a couple of the girls are going to die laughing, especially V, since I was famous for burning papad at her place at the tender training to-be-domestic-goddess age of 14 when they could roll out the perfect little rotlis, I was delegated to sitting on the kitchen table and eating those little puris and chundo.
But I did do my bestest this weekend – I think I am ready to be unveiled to the world – husband dearest’s praises does not really count because he was a dehati who had like never had any gourmet food beyond dal, chawal in his childhood and youth (he’s so lucky he has me, sigh!!!)and he looooves me, so even my burnt prawns was good for him.
OK, domestic goddessing – focus focus – my mind is a rolling stone that gathers too much cat-hair. So, Samar, Sarika and baby Inaya were invited for dinner on Friday night and I was all excited about making everything at home, since Sarika cannot eat bahar ka khaana.
This was my menu – adapated from Tapas (bloody rip-off 15$ book from Sur La Table which I almost didn’t get billed for but then did – but I digress again), Nigel Slater’s 30minute suppers and my Classic Pasta book which is the closest I get to religious studies.
The menu,
Grilled peppers – since I didn’t have a grill, I just sort of let the peppers sauté in lotsa olive oil and thyme and a little balsalmic. Served on garlic bread – this is something I leant from Lulu, and it worked pretty well.
Warm potato and walnut salad with lemon parsley butter – oh god this was the most easysqueezy item and so good – best part was samar doesn’t like walnuts, so there actually were leftovers for the chef, hehe.
Honey glazed cashewnuts
Feta and olive salaed with oliveoil & basil dressing
Pasta with sun dreid tomatoes and brocolli – I love sun-dried tomatoes which is very weird considering that I’m not that fond of tomatoes unless they are disguised in the form of Maggi Hot & sweet but well, there is no accounting for what the sun can do to you, if you just soak it up for like a couple of hours. Look at me, I’m also a much better person, after lying around in the Goa sun – hehe, I’m a sun-dried nish – eat me eat me. No, no don’t really – I’m a happily married woman. Well, married woman. No no happily married (most of the time, said with straight face)
And I’m so happy to say this dinner worked well, there were no leftovers - the sign of overeating by everyone and ergo a good meal i should think. I’m ready to entertain more people but would prefer it if you were easy to please and had like 5 glasses of chardonnay before hand so everything seems a lovely happy yellow haze.
Was very knocked out rest of the weekend, so just can manage a small plug for my darling friend Gayatri Joshi who is sweeping the award ceremonies with her debut performance in Swades. Congrats GJ, I think this calls for Peking duck at Royal China (I’m serious, was cheated last time)
Miny me please or miny V - whatever!!
Ack ack!!! My mother had been on my case to have a baby now for like the last four years ever since i got married and could do it legally and not bring shame to the great family name (great like in they sure can eat a great deal of food!).
And now everyone is really popping babies - no its not as simple as all that as I was explained over a lovely cocktail conversation - its more like getting epidurals, having their stomachs cut open and slimy little objects that remotely resemble human life forms (once the icky green mucus is cleared i assume) Where’s the loud music when we really want it?
All i know about babies and pregnancy and birth i learnt from FRIENDS. So, while the making part is fun and the begetting not so much, I believe after the mucus is cleaned off and they become three months old they get cuter - waay cuter the little darlings and tear at the heartstrings with the sweet chuckles and adorable peeing on their fathers bit hehehe. (Baby Inaya looooves to do that one)
So, I spend my Monday mornings telling baby tales to my mother like she didn’t give birth to the most adorable baby on the planet 28years ago. We had this extremely interesting conversation on Monday - we pretend its an important business discussion
Me: Oh, Sarik's baby is sooo cute
Mum: Oh, why don’t you get one of those yourself
Me: I guess in some time
MUM: Is your husband getting around to the idea
Me: I guess in some time
Mum: So are you doing anything to make a baby currently???
Me: MUM!!!! THAT IS NONE OF YOUR BIZNEZ (she pretty much asked if I was getting some - now my marital bed being none of her business, I pretty much blushed and exited - that was the end of that business conversation)
But babies are really on the brain and really the bacchas are doing a great job of telling me whether I’m ready for it – NOT!!!
I accidentally locked Pepe into my cupboard where he sneaked into when not looking. And I step on Tigger all the time and Lola is constantly challenging the eagles swooping around on the 10th floor window ledge. Please don’t ask what kind of mother am I – they are CATS!!!!! Though I forget very often – Tigger I have a strong suspicion is actually a very very little and stupid person in a cat suit with an excellent invisble zipper from YKK.
I digress, so more than babies I’m thinking about parenting and being good parents and just what a subjective term that is – and this is already starting to sound heavy to me, so I’m just going to go into an unconscious stream of thought which works bestest when I’m with rash and vee – love those girls. You can be the most anal-retentive OCD schizoid on the planet and you could turn out a great couple of kids, (well just one really – the other one seriously needs therapy) or you could just give it your all – be there with the taking for swimming lessons, not insisit on the bed being made and the teeth being brushed till the enamel glows and patiently try and teach them indian languages and you could still land up with a very very weird baby. (Yes, I am that weird baby –I suck at written, spoken and reading Indian languages and also swimming, singing dancing and all the classes my mommy dragged me to)
But but to be philosophical damn thats a long word - It’s the circle of life (hark, I hear Elton) and I’m listening to it finally – need to convince the spouse to stop living in denial and think about this seriously – I think I’m finally all growed up and can have little cuddlybuddly babies of my own – my mommy still young enough to change the diapers and smelly poopoo and atleast it will get me off the D - hehahehahea evil laugh!!!
kya aap close-up karte hai?
And yes, we are related!!!
The three of us
Here we are the corporate (being my good self, not goody-goody but goood self) and there are my 2 favourite living artists in the whole wide universe (which is a very subtle hint for them to start gifting me art) Rash and Sid. After battling the evil corportae machines in amreeka, the artistic and talented sid has finally managed to meet us after 6years - in which time he's pretty much lost all his hair and gained 30lbs.
And thats Rash - my rockstar+oneandonlylove+partygirl+ artist/designer
Sitting on christmas eve - yes, i know belated posting but i just learnt - bite me
I’m so completely pissed off – idiot dumbass buyer (haha, I cant get dooced – I own the company) after making all of us run around for like three months – comes back with an order of like 2000pieces – u little s****f****a***l***s**o*aw***** - hope you like run out of toilet paper when u get the shits next and you will – heheheh – going to serve you extra spicy curry when you come for inspections in August.
I’m so tired of having to be nice and whore this stuff with a smile – when really what I want to do is grab their ugly mug from the behind of course wearing like industrial strength gloves so I don’t have to have like any physical contact with them and push that ugly mug through a wall – hard. H-a-r-d!!
I’m just tired of being indoors again and want to maybe go for a run instead of being all cooped up in a gym on a machine, so am going to just leave office now (hehehe, I do all thisshit from work because I’m too exhausted when I get back home plus have to dance attendance on the spouse ((going to change the moniker from the previously affectionate one soon)) –since it looks like being a good wife entails having to lose out on a whole half hour of beauty sleep just because the spouse has to leave for work early!!!!!!)
Crib crib crib – not like my dvd is fixed so I could atleast try and pretend like I would do some pilates – which I need to do – I’m thinking I have a tape-worm but not the bridget jones variety which makes her thin but more like just keeps asking to be fed, so I get hungry but then the evil tapeworm does not absorb the calories. Idiot evil tape-worm.
The bits I didn’t talk about earlier
And many many interesting events are happenieng which can get hotly debatable events after 4 bellinis and in a crowded bar with ear-splitting music!!!
The media-star friend is now being pursued by ‘AN ELGIBLE’ - and now eligible has gone and gifted her a fancy watch – with diamonds (industrial, husband dearest would say – industrial shindustrial!!! I’ll take it)
Fancy watch is also bearing a big famous Parisian brand name to make matter better… this is interesting – however media star didn’t accept fancy watch!!
Hehe, I live vicariously feeding on the dating stories of the friend. A few months ago, we had a jolly good discussion with Ian, from London on the concept of dating. I have never dated … If dating is defined as trying out someone new, with the new person being not so well known and definitely some time before the bonking commences!!
But now the friend is going on ‘dates’ with eligible and is reasonably interested to maintain the monthly meeting cycle. I am now super-dying of curiosity to check out the eligible.
However, the voice of reason or in this case the men who stay sober have vetoed letting ‘eligible’ into inner circle!!!
(hehehe, I’m so excited I’m part of an inner circle – finally I’m a part of something which is not leftovers from music class or sports which was mostly filled with inbred parsis who picked their noses and demented hair-dos)
Ack, spoil-sports – nopw I have to wait for another whole month before I can hear something more on ‘eligible’ – vicarious living is also been put on hold – what is a girl to do except get another margarita!!
Salman Khan: Hero ya Zero
Actually this should have been called the GJ bday bash but I could not resist since we did spend most of our time debating the private/ public lives of public figures who drive at 200km an hour, kill road-sleeping poor people and had then oh, poor baby gets arrested!!! Damn our laws are strict!!!
However, being a keen student of sighkology, this intense and overheated conversation helped me further in my understanding of how people who on surfaces look absolutely different personalityish wise and can be best friends are actually the same deep-down inside when alcohol does not enter the picture or enters very slowly and also when one gets cheated out of peking duck dinner. Otherwise, oh fun fun happy happy evening with cool breezes from sea keeping us cool on a hot hot evening!!! looks like a killer summer is looming.
Excerpts from the post-party analysis with my fabulous party-girl:
Nish says: u tell - i had fabulous ***censor*** weekend!!! finally yes yes yes
Nish says: oooooh i missed ***censor***
rushes says: hehehehehee
Nish says: heheheh
rushes says: nut!
rushes says: how was party?
rushes says:rocked
Nish says: went to this beautiful place called dome - okayish khana "teppenyaki" - (remember this word - it means looong time for food to arrive on table), overpriced drinks but what a view - open air, top of intercontinental (u remember tsar bar) with arabian sea
rushes says: awesome
Nish says: then went to new place called RA which was like i was trapped in a tv with only one channel ETC Punjabi – I’ve been kudified!!!
But there are other wonderful bits to my weekend – spending time with the baby inaya – who is trying very hard to suck her newly found fingers – which ensures a bit of the finger bumping around the various bits on the face till it finally find the mouth. Also baby inaya has a littlewittle tooth-bud breaking through on her lower jaw…. Which is most interesting area for her tongue to keep poking around – you wait little girl!!! There will be many more interesting places that bad boy will be able to go in 10-15 years depending on your curfew levels. Hehehehe
Overall a good weekend and next week looks promising with HOLI looming – maybe a weekend break somewhere.
Porno food!!!
Eck…why is it that when on low-carb (not low enough apparently judging by the non-shrinkage of the tum) that I have the wildest food fantasies.
Last nite, after satiating the other senses, hehehehe, husband dearest and I got talking about our favourite eating experiences – which are not just about the food but more the uncontrollable lust in us to repeat the experience. Here they are in no particular order
1. Floating restaurant in Chiang Mai – the tuk-tuk driver wanted us to buy hand-painted umbrellas, we were more interested in green curry with capers and chicken, pork stir-fry, steamed rice – all served in a massive open-air restaurant (Ours was table #110) with a little hole in the table under which the restaurant kept a little sigri so the food was bubbling hot all the time. Divine!!!
2. Thai barbeque again in Chiang-Mai – the night we landed, we were hungry and started walking down towards the night market and found this little joint onthe street – go pick your littlewittle plates of raw meat – chicken, pork, fish, then the waitress puts this huge inverted metal colander type object on the table under which is the ubitiquous sigdi – we grill the meat, and grab some greens in the stock floating on the side - we had like thirty plates of meat !!!!!! Oh god, can I import the whole set-up here
3. Japanese teppenyaki in Koh-Samui – superduper good fried fishies with yumatum dips - though I had to wait for 45minutes to get there…hmmm looks like Thailand has the best food in the world!!! Need to move there soon – get thai massages in between meals and partying!!!
4. Riceboat, Taj Malabar, Cochin - Eye-tearing, nose sniffling, sinus clearing spicy karimeen poritachu and appams, with my ex-boosy boots boss and a hot-as-hell (four drink hot standards applicable here) mallu.
5. Egg rost and tapioca mush at a littlewittle roadside stall on the way to Thekkady – two boiled eggs (traveling makes me hungwy), in this spicy onion, chilly powder pasty thing with pasty yet strangely delish tapioca. Umm, umm.
6. Aaheli, Peerless Inn, Calcutta - Hard core Bengali lunch (Cal for all the miseries it inflicted on me, did some kick-ass food) – pure unadulterated fat and carb overload – luchis (which are puris but some different atta) doker dalna – which is holdurbreath, deep fried mashy chana squares in a lovely oil-dripping curry, bekti something, ilish something, mutton kasa – lovely, lovely(eeergh!!! There goes the the story about how I was vegetarian in Calcutta) after this meal, the hotel needed to put us into a taxi, so we could waddle home to a loooong, nap where we had these lovely horny dreams about our next visit.
7. Tapas at Sabor, a Spanish restaurant/ bar on the Upper West Side that V and I went to and got super happy and bitchy on mojitos!!! Oh, the food rocked too – there was something with fried bananas and also paella.
8. The Blue Elephant platter at Dubai - Divine, the best food in the world –duck, lamb, chicken – ohmigod!!! If I had to pick between this food and ehemehem, the Blue elephant would win hands down!!!
The also-rans include
Thai lunch at the top on the hill during the island safari, Koh Samui
Cinnabon – anywhere, everywhere, anytime, everytime
Brunches in NYC
Indigo Sunday brunches
Dinner at Moshe
Chaat at A-road, Churchgate
Anda parathas at IIT, Delhi
Kheema Rice, courtesy Dinu and Jaya, Prahsanti
Salli Boti, Paradise
Ok, I’m going to stop now, not because I want to, but because I have to, because if I don’t then there is a very serious danger of the tummy producing the juices that make me faaaat. But aaaah, this was a good half-hour.
Feeding the blogmonster
Grrrrrr…. I cannot figure out how to get the bells and whistles on the blog of mine.
Isn’t it enough that I actually make time in my busy busy life to record my words and thoughts of profound wisdom and inanity.
I totally want to get pictures on the blog, so I can share pictures of my wonderful girls, all so pretty and drunk with anyone who wants to look – but guess what there is something called code which has lots of <<<< and >>>> and words like img and src and http thrown at me – hello, people – I cannot comprehend anything technological!!! Learning to boot up was an achievement, huisband dearest will always always wear the technopants in the house.
So, if there is anyone out there who can tell me how to do the following things:
a. Change the stupid template
b. Link to other blogs
c. Show pictures
d. Any other wonderous and strange things to make my blog look busy and happy and well-connected,
please call or email me. Because I need to feed this little online Frankenstein otherwise it not be happy when I look at other blogs with the bells and whistles
The extremely excellent online adventures of Rash & Nish
I've had film developed from my excellent delhi and lakshwadeep adventures and there is mild censorship due to matrimonial and familial repucursions possible if not censored!!!
Nish says: hi kitten - the pictures are fabulous and incriminatory
rushes says: niiiice
rushes says: scan scan
rushes says: quick
rushes says: dying to see
Nish says: yea, tomorrow
rushes says: babaaaaaaaaaa
rushes says: do no somethng
rushes says: i put on my site
Nish says: and vee and i and vee and u and u and me - tres *******CENSOR******* pictures last nite at her place - super cute
rushes says: and link up from your blog
rushes says: goood fun
Nish says: i will shona - holding for 24 hours
rushes says: sniffle
Nish says: whats the biig deal - its been three months - what is one more day??
Nish says: oh ***CENSOR*** looking totally ******CENSOR*****
rushes says: sniffle
Nish says: hows the abyss??
rushes says: the abyss...gets deeper and deeper
Nish says: profound
rushes says: yea
rushes says: duh!
Nish says: sooo - i ran like 3km yesterday - 1 round with cute 40year old who was totally checking me out and we sprinted or sprant (which is correct) and i beat him hehahehahea
rushes says: sprant
rushes says: hehehehehehheee
rushes says: like sprant better
Nish says: and i tried on the purple bizarre top to see the sub-cuteanous fat matter is showing or not and its improving
Nish says: tummy less bulgy
rushes says: niiiice
Nish says: oh i did total carb-free day yesterday yip yip
rushes says: so will be ready to wear in a month
rushes says: very nice
rushes says: me checked out tum tum in the morning
Nish says: yea, but u hoes are not coming na on wed nite
Nish says: and thursday onwards will be shaadi so no extra-curricular partying will happen
Nish says:
rushes says: brb
After 3 hours of useful work - RRRRGHT
Nish says: u back?
rushes says: yup
Nish says: hey, i got a message which says Unable to determine IP address from host name for www.google.com
Nish says: wtf does that mean?
rushes says: have no fucking idea
Nish says: and and This means that:
The cache was not able to resolve the hostname presented in the URL.
Check if the address is correct.
Your cache administrator is cachemgr@systeminfotech.com.
Nish says: whatcha doing? (Question which is completely irrelevant as it is not as important as this conversation)
rushes says: what address was this?
rushes says: work baba
Nish says: google !!!!
rushes says: boring crap
Nish says: grrrrr - how can it not find google man? ish too much
rushes says: wierd
Nish says: i know - just calling the system infotech to find out what cache is??
rushes says: heehee
Nish says: as usual the ****CENSOR***** say it will get respolved in half hour
rushes says: that line is patented
Nish says: ok give me a topic for the day and i will write profound and obscure shit on it
Nish says: who patented it?
rushes says: hmmmmm
rushes says: my cableguys
Nish says: hehe
rushes says: hehehehee
Nish says: going to start a game of hearts - the bastard computer always cheats and wins
Nish says: it always gives me queen of clubs becos thats the ******CENSOR****** card
rushes says: lolqueen of spades
Nish says: yea yea same thing - u know me - colour !!!
rushes says: teeheehee
Nish says: hey, lets play cards one nite when u guys come ok?
rushes is inviting you to start Bejeweled. Do you want to Accept (Alt+C) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation?
You have accepted the invitation to start Bejeweled.
rushes says: how do you play this thing?
Nish says: how should i kno? i just about figured out hearts after 2 years
rushes says: ok
rushes says: lets see
Nish says: is it a card game?
rushes says: is it loading?
rushes says: i dunno
nish says: ****CENSOR CENSOR CENSOR****
rushes says: still loading
Nish says: just had mental flashback to ****CENSOR****
Nish says: ****CENSOR CENSOR*******
Nish says: **********CENSOR CENSOR********
rushes says: siigh
Nish says: siiiiigh
rushes says: so how does it start?
Nish says: got some good ****CENSOR**** on sunday tho - almost makes up for **********CENSOR****** the rest of *****CENSOR*** is
Nish says: its unavailable - sounds like a ***CENSOR*** anyway
Nish says: bejeweled
rushes is inviting you to start Minesweeper Flags. Do you want to Accept (Alt+C) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation?
You have accepted the invitation to start Minesweeper Flags.
rushes says: yippeee
rushes says: loading
Nish says: ok now?
rushes says: now
rushes says: hehehehehee
Nish says: start??
rushes says: waiting for your response
Nish says: how i repond?
rushes says: ferpect
Nish says: i ish no understand how to get flags??
rushes says: just click on where you think mines are
Nish says: left click or right?
rushes says: only left works
Nish says: but you are wonning,
Nish says: i'm just picking them out for u
rushes says: yea....cos i just figured it out silly billy
rushes says: this one no count ok
Nish says: waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
rushes says: ???
Nish says:ok
Nish says:oy, how come u making multiple moves?
rushes says: when you mark a bomb you get another turn
rushes says: the one above the one i did
rushes says: get that
rushes says: these two
Nish says: no, actually i'm doing a spread sheet at same time - multitaksing
Nish says: and obviously also sucking at this
rushes says: oh ho
rushes says: good girl
rushes says: one more
rushes says: now we know
Nish says:
rushes says: heeheehee
rushes says: babush
Nish says: than than than than - this is eye of tiger music
Nish says: me doing push-ups
rushes says: lol
Nish says: with finger push push push
rushes says: rocky ish-tyle
Nish says: i saw million dollar baby on friday nite
rushes says: how it was being?
rushes says: worth watching?
Nish says: it was being the too good
rushes says: it the seems boring oscar type flick
Nish says: and hillary swank is being the extremely talented and multifacted actor with mucho muscles
rushes says: that i knewed only
Nish says: and clint and morgan also being the very very good performance
Nish says: does vee know how lukhi we are?
rushes says: she bes the macho element now that clint can't to be getting it up no more
rushes says: nope
Nish says: when my hubsand calls i tell him i ish very very busy and important
rushes says: thinks i'm working verrrrry hard
Nish says: oh - ho dolly, i think clint takes viagra
Nish says: heheh - does she kno i'm online?
rushes says: i dunno
Nish says: tell her she looks adorable – in pix
rushes says: lets play another game
rushes says: babaaaaaaaaaa
Nish says: there's one wr she picking me up, its the best
rushes says: scan naaaaaaaa
Nish says: ok ok
Nish says: tmro pwomise
rushes says: wok
rushes says: ehehehehehahahahahahaaa
rushes says: now ish stuck
Nish says: ack ack
rushes is inviting you to start Solitaire Showdown. Do you want to Accept (Alt+C) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation?
rushes says: new game
You have accepted the invitation to start Solitaire Showdown.
rushes says: solitaire showdown
Nish says: oh no, just when i figure one out
Nish says: i'm so untalnted at this
rushes says: why don't they have nice drinking games
rushes says: one tequila two tequila three tequila......dhoop
rushes says: how to play this?
Nish says: i know -
Nish says: dumbass game
rushes says: have no clue what to do
Nish says: lets end
rushes says: how the fuck is that possible?
rushes is inviting you to start Checkers. Do you want to Accept (Alt+C) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation?
You have accepted the invitation to start Checkers.
Wishful thinking
Had a super weekend with the once again attentive husband dearest (yeth, brownie points for getting me pretty new shoes on Sunday)
I’m fairly certain I have a lot to say but my mind is on vacation and the rest of me is wishing I could join it…It should not be on vacation because really all of me just was – though we did have a test for the dive certification and ergo, the holiday does not qualify as compleeeeeeete relaxation.
I indulged in my favourite vice on the weekend, which is the trial of every shoe in the store and then then acquaistion of one pair of shoes in the store – why do women like shoes so much? And I think most women do, but not to the point of obsession like the women I know – for example my mother actually can count the pairs she has on her fingers. But I digress, we are wondering or I am wondering why women like shoes so much – I speak for myself when I say that I like shoes because…in my self-esteemed opinion my feet can never ever get fat!! They are slim and fine boned and proprotinate (to what, you may well ask? But I dont have the answer to all the questions yet) And though the toes are wonky, overall appearance is very pleasing especially when you think about how some people really have ugly feet.
I also realize that I need to get serious about getting the body-fat into a respectable zone of 20-25…right now it’s hovering at 27, which is preeeety bad and the reason I’m splurging on shoes and not much else. I am also flirting with the idea of vegetarianism and here is the response I get from the stupendous and fabulous rashmee pai:
Nish says: off carbs this week
Nish says: but aleady thinking about them
Nish says: going to make me tofu stirfry and eat whole week
Nish says: also flirting with idea of vegetarianism except when taken to fancy restaurant for peking duck
rushes says: do't be silly
rushes says: its not worth it
rushes says: animals are too tasty
Nish says: but they so nice
Nish says: well, not chickens but its cruel
Nish says: they taste good, though
rushes says: ....with a nice butter pepper garlic sauce
Nish says: chup - u're supposed to be helping me - i have no support
rushes says: hey puoltry goooood
Nish says: i reaaly think u should be more supportive - think about how much more u can have
Nish says: it was bitching though that I thought I would eat veg on sunday and we landed up at paradise which is sali boti - take it or leave it
rushes says: hehehehahahahahaaa
Nish says: evil laugh???
rushes says: yea
rushes says: salli boti laugh
rushes says: i just want to eat a nice vada paav and maybe a misal
rushes says: really
rushes says: and throw in a double roti
Nish says: no, not misal but vada-pav would be good
Nish says: but then thats carbs
rushes says: and oh yea....that nice squid tikka at adarsh
rushes says: and the surmai fry
Nish says: i love the squid gassi with neer dosa there
rushes says: and maybe the patra nu macchi at jimmy boy
rushes says: and a nice butter toasted s/w on the rasta
rushes says: and paani puri at a road
rushes says: anhd oh yea......some orange icecream at apsara
Nish says: oh, i ordered bhel yesterday but felt guilty and passed on to husband hehahehahehah
rushes says: and maybe the raaan at sheetal bukhara
rushes says: yup
rushes says: thats all
rushes says: no more
rushes says: did crab last time
So, I have no support – not on the carb embargo, not on vegetarianism…. Is this trying to be thin and trying to be more humane and kind to animals only going to stay wishful thinking? I think most importantly will be to work on will-power – the rest will follow.
Nearly weekend rant
It's Friday and I've got this weekend longing disease that I picked up from husband (he's currently not dearest 'cos he's so pyshed about the work and I'm tired of looking really interested and involved...and he's being snipy which is mean and unfair becos I'm not a mean tammie making him miserable - i'm preeety and sweet and i fix him yum yum dinners and do his laundry and make sure he has matching socks in the morning)
I'm just sitting around the office waiting for the AGENT to call so i can meet the high priestess of irritation the BUYER so I can go there and whore my sweaters. I'm so tired of idiot buyers who think that they can just get me to make them stuff and then say oh, but this stuff is much cheaper in China - yes, so why dont you just go to China and also maybe they'll give you a free roasted rat with the sweater, dumbass.
There's a bus strike in Mumbai because the super-rude conductors and bus-drivers who swing their huge buses around the road like they own it (to compensate for very teeny you-know-whats, I'm sure) want more money so they can be fat and rude and stupid...I've stopped taking public transportation a long time ago becuase it sucks!!
But I cant escape it anywhere because the moronic ungifted bus-drivers keep ramming their buses in the exact same lane that I drive in - like all the time.
And I'm coughing and taking medication which is making my already not small tummy reach scary proportions. Need to shrink the tum, need to shrink the tum - I really cannot be on a low-carb diet becos everyone around me lurves the carbs - grrrrr...
I really want to get off my ass and do something meaningful and contributory to mankind or animalkind this weekend but I know that I'll veg out...again another eveil negative trait I've got from you-know-who.
Pleese, pleese let there be a party plan for tonite, so I do not have to watch another recycled episode of carloine in the city again.
And another weekend almost here!!
My last loong weekend was so sin-free that I promptly fell sick on monday morning - my system just cannot handle zero alcolohol.
Last Friday was vegging out on sofa with GJ and planning her birthday which is almost here and then trying to get her to plan my birthday which is six months away... then we decided that our converstaion was getting very limited (we are both currently not doing very many things, which should be obvious by now because otherwise I would never have time to actually write about the things I was doing - time and of course my biggest open secret- procrastination) so we went for dinner to Crepe Station. Which was sucky, but I had to give it a second shot since any place can always have an off day when I visit the first time. Anyway, no more visits please - it serves reheated crepes for chrissakes!!! how hard is it people, to just make a nice, fresh crepe.
After that, we went to this new desert place outside Out of The Blue which is an old restaurant next to Olive, which is a old fancy restaurant that I really really like but cannot afford anymore (diving, diving, diving - If I say it enough times a day, i will hopefully stop buying shoes). So, anyway we got some Mars choclate cake, which wasnt very nice and debated marriage and babies and gj's birthday plans some more and had TEA!!! super nish, way to go!!! that a half dive right there!! yip yip
Then Saturday I spent with husband dearest doing well...... nothing and saving lotsa money(and there is the whole dive)
Sunday, I spent the whole day with Sarika's baby Inaya who's so cute and not a lump anymore - she smiles, and sleeps and pulls her hair and sleeps and tries on roll on to her side and well, thats it. So, I had very many baby cravings and then the weekend was over and I had a teensy-weensy viral infection which meant I could pretty much spend the rest of the week lolling about in bed and order husband dearest about.... ha ha haha ha(evil laugh)
The looong weekend looms
I am so excited about finally having a official webspace-type thing where I can just tell everyone about the super-blast my life is but I have a strong suspicion its more on the lines of humdrum city!!! I mean I get up, go to work, do some shit for a few hours, go to the gym and watch Friends (season 9 for like the fifth time) and go to bed… and now it’s almost weekend and I got excited this morning because HBO is showing Seabiscuit – the story of the horse that inspired a nation (whatever!!! Did the horse pick up a gigantic gadzillion dollar stealth plane and bomb five countries???)
I know, I double-taked myself – this is not the nish I know and love so much (nobody else will, might as well looove myself) but this is it!!! I’m excited about watching a movie that has spider-man in it even though he’s not wearing a spidey-suit and kissing women in the rain upside down. I think I’m becoming my husband!!! Help – paging the stupendous and fabulous rashmee pai – can you hear me rashmee pai – you dirty bitch who’s hoeing it up in Shimla with the rest of the single women...
Being Tiggerish!!!
Little Tigger just turned two a month ago – and we did a special treat for the bacchas with tuna… only they weren’t very appreciative since Dinu has been stuffing them with fresh fish while we were away looking at fresh fish in the sea.
It’s amazing how I’ve got suckered into mommying three temperamental, spoilt to the core cats…I think its because they all started out as kittens and who doesn’t love kittens!!
It’s still hard for me to think of them as all growed up and this is especially true about tigger. She’s quite the mini-terror and we have coined a whole new adverb to describe her.
What does being Tiggerish involve?
- Marching up to her daddy on sofa and sprawling herself on his lap and pushing head against arm for head-rubs and then disapproving of the head-rub and taking off a bit of daddy’s finger or closest available body part. (I think this is the regressive Bengali gene at work)
- Planning an attack on unsuspecting, napping Lola for ten minutes from a distance of 10meters, charging upto the napping Lola and changing mind at last minute due to sudden flash memory of Lola’s fierce retribution at last attempt at attack of the napping Lola. Lola also makes it her personal mission to seek retribution on behalf of Pepe, if Tigger decides to whack him. (Poor Tigger, they gang up on her all the time)
- Following mommy into the kitchen and getting underfoot and making plaintive miaows till mommy succumbs to the biiig eyed, starving orphan annie look and gives her a little bit of milk.
- Making big tamasha outside bedroom door if on the other side at night, then doing an about-turn and zooming out when mommy finally opens the bedroom door, after many unsuccessful attempts at getting the daddy to open the bedroom door.
- Attacking all unsuspecting and innocent string and rope lying around in the house and then getting her own claw stuck and not realizing cats have retractable claws and staying there with poor little me look for a long time.
- Occupying 50%of the king-size bed and graciously allowing us to occupy the other half. Curling up against her mommy’s warm and big belly and nipping mommy hard if mommy moves in her sleep and disturb Tigger’s eighteen hours of beauty sleep.
There’s lots more involved in being a Tigger but we are just figuring it out, a day at a time – our little wonder has had a big photo-session with the other two babies that she shares us with and I promise to put them up soon.
Zero cat sense!!
Poor husband dearest was been up all last night working, while I stayed up a bit to give him company by watching recycled American cancelled sit-coms on cable.
The bacchas wanted to explore the landing and passage at mid-night and I figured what the heck, I can handle two at a time so why not all three (please remind me never to have triplets – I so cannot manage three of them)
The first five minutes of the passage exploration was pretty smooth – Lola jumped up on all the ledges and lucky for us, the birds sleep at night and not around to excite her, then she slinked around the grill door and wooden door of both our neighbours, and did her I’m cute and curious miaows loudly…don’t ask me why… who knows what’s going on in their minds…
Tigger just followed Lola around madly, sniffing the extremely suspicious looking lift shaft grill door every few seconds like she was doing something important. Again lucky for me the grill is too narrow for them to go through or else it would be bye cats!!!
Looked like the entertainment they are hungering for outside in the big bad world of Ashiana tenth floor was rescheduled for some other night. When suddenly Pepe, my previously goodest baby dashed up the stairs to the massive terrace which is locked and has a grill door!!! Unfortunately, this grill door has gaps enough for a cat to pass through – which Pepe did before I could get to him…and then the idiot did not know how to get out again through the grill and back to mommy… the idiot.
So, there I was in my jammies and denim jacket on the stairs calling out Pepe, while he was running around all confused and miaowing in panic, since he totally expected me to follow him and I could not because the managing committee keeps the terrace locked up at night (I have my theories on why, but cannot publish since this is a family-friendly blog).
So, then I had to call our to husband dearest, who of course thought it was incredibly stupid of wife to take them all out at the same time anyway but multi-tasker that he is – managed to get Lols and Tig back home, grab his house keys and come up for me…and my poor pepe, still stuck all alone on the vast, unfriendly terrace with no clue as to how to come back. (The idiot has previously fallen off the third-floor windowsill of our previous flat and obviously not learnt anything about not wandering beyond mommy’s vision.)
Finally, had to come down, grab some cat-food in a bowl and shake it around – which is what finally worked (husband’s suggestion, he’s smart that boy!!).
So, Pepe came running out for the food, saw the gap and mommy through the gap and figured out the way home and dashed all the way down the two flights of stairs and sat all innocent-like at the apartment door.
The adventure slowed him down only for five minutes where he sat on his favorite mat and contemplated the big bad world…then a small bug came in and he forgot all about the deep thoughts.
No cat sense in any of them – I really think they leave their brains on the street once they find a nice warm home and people who they can train to dance attendance on them like 24/7. In my next life, I want to be a pet in the Koppikar or Chinmulgund house-hold…to me that’s nirvana.
Culture – and not in my yoghurt
Okay, so I’m quite done with expanding middle and working on broadening of the mental horizons.
Zakir Hussain is in town and giving performances all over the place…
So, off we went for the 21st memorial concert at Prithvi Theatre to watch him work his magic. I’ve seen him perform about six times yet and have to ‘fess that if all culture was as smooth & fun as him, I would be waaay smarter. Also, if I kept getting motivated by GJ, my intelligent and well-connected star friend who can usually get me free tickets for stuff like this (I mean if I’m going to get an education, I’d rather not pay for it…save up for the bar, I mean diving!!)
So, Monday evening saw us at Prithvi Theatre, jostling about in the khadi kurta crowd for prime position close to the entrance. Free seating arrangements are the worst, since it means you get pushed around like it’s the local to Borivali.
The evening started with a special (not!!!) performance by some artists from the south who sure woke up the dead with their drums and cymbals. Sorry guys, I like my music quieter.
Finally when the show started at 9.30, it was wonderful to hear the peaceful santoor played by Rahul Sharma (eye-candy disguised as serious musician). The santoor is a string instrument in a polygonal shape and was quite a treat to hear the music – like the rivers of Kashmir, sometimes bubbly and slender, sometimes calm and broad, and once Zakir joined in with his vibrant tabla like the river in full flow. A wonderful jugalbandi followed – this is what I love about Zakir Hussain’s concerts and the feet were tapping, the head was nodding and I was totally having a great time.
Sitaradevi, the kathak exponent broke into an impromptu kathak explanation peppered with stories of music maestros and dance – sounds like she had fun. The evening was ended with a performance by dhol-players from Manipur.
But the best part of the evening was dinner – kaali-mirch roll from Kareems…. Though service was really slow, the roll was yummatos. Oh well, there’s only so much improvement my mind can take.